Curious And Quaint

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It was warm when I next awoke.

The tugging on my tail was not the wake-up call I was looking for.

I looked behind me to see red makeshift bandages and a fluffy haired girl playing with my tail. She looked up at me and then smiled.

"Good Morning," she said brightly. "I see you're finally up. Oh, splendid! Wait here for a moment, okay?"

Just as soon as I made out her bright brown hair had it all disappeared?

As for me, I felt horrible. The pain from my burn seemed to double since yesterday.

I wondered how long I've been here if I didn't wake up when I was kidnapped.

It was all so unfortunate.

I heard the quick taps of light feet and in popped the girl where the door was missing. Now that I could see better, I saw her glowing young expression, tired, but full of hope. She was a little younger than Pohlin, but from the dirt on her face and the state of her clothes, she probably had a long life ahead of her.

But in front of her now she held a small piece of bread and a small bottle of milk.

She ran in front of the bed I sat on and crouched down, setting a bowl right in front of me. She poured the milk in, and I felt my stomach rumble in hunger.

"Just in the nick of time, huh?" she said, pushing the bowl closer.

I shrugged and pulled myself up to eat like I had done so many times before, only this time I wasn't human.

It was strange not drinking from a cup. As well as hard having a nose so close to my mouth. It became vexing figuring out the best way to drink this milk without drowning in it while still getting my share.

Another thing Scarlet made look easy.

The girl laughed as I sneezed milk out of my nose or tried to gulp as much milk as I could.

After a lot of frustrating, and sometimes dangerous experimentation, I found out that my new tongue was the best instrument for drinking after all. Where my old tongue was thick and flabby, this one flexed and curved to form a small little bowl that carried liquid to my mouth. It wasn't the best or quickest way to drink, but it worked.

I sat there for a long time trying to concentrate on drinking the milk, but it was unnerving how my patron kept staring at me. I could sense it. After a long while, I risked a peek at her.

She was staring.

"I saw what they did to you yesterday," she finally said. "In town. Those people are mean. They're always mean. I hate them."

I stopped and looked up at her. For a moment her face matched her words, but when she saw me staring she smiled again and rested her head on her arms and hair, watching me again.

I went back to drinking.

"You have really pretty eyes. One is green and the other is brown. Are you a... demon?" she whispered that last word.

I stopped drinking again and looked up at her.

Am I a demon?

The girl took my glancing at her as a yes and jumped up.

"I knew it! You are too pretty not to be," she burst out.

I sighed and went back to drinking. I'd never have been so brave to actively rescue a creature I thought to be a demon at her age no matter how pretty.

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