Tails Tales

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"Ah!" I screamed as I jumped up.

The room was filled with gray daylight.

The room?

A room that wasn't my own.

I looked around.

This room had a dark blue carpeted floor, and was by far bigger than the living room, kitchen, and dining room in my house put together. There were shelves and shelves of books that all seemed to be built into the wall. So many in fact I couldn't tell what color the wall was. Or if there was a wall.

I looked up, and blue bulb after blue bulb obscured the entire ceiling.

I looked down at myself and saw that I wore a light brown blouse under a dark brown vest. I never wore skirts, but I had on a crimped skirt that went down to mid-thigh, and tights that went down to my ankles, both the same color brown as my vest. Light brown socks, the same color as my blouse, folded to meet my tights.

The room smelled abandoned. Stale even, but all was quiet.

I saw that I had kicked a thick yellow bedspread off of me and had sunk in an awfully comfy cushion. I could see that it was slightly elevated off the ground and partially surrounded by a box engraved with vines and flowers.

I took my fingers and traced the pattern until I got to fancy letters inscribed in the center.

"What does this say?" I asked but was unnerved by how loud the quiet question echoed in the room.

I got up and found a pair of pale brown rawhide boots. I slipped them on and looked around the room, suddenly very unsettled that someone had brought me here and changed my clothes as well.

I grabbed my head. "What happened?"

I took a huge gulp of air and stood up. I walked around, and to my horror, I couldn't find a door. Anywhere.

I went over and drew back the heavy curtains to find a window. It revealed that small clearing in The Forest of Last Dreams. The sky was downcast, but there was no hint of snow or rain. It had been a warmer winter night when I left, so how long was I asleep for?

"Strange," I thought out loud.

There were no houses that I could see when in that small clearing, but being here seemed to prove me wrong. I wanted to investigate, but try as I might, I couldn't open or smash the window.

Pacifying my qualmish heart, I stepped away and walked around the room.

"Looks like I'm stuck here for the time being."

There was nothing to be done about it but to learn my surroundings and prepare my heart.

I gawked at the spines of old, colorful books with so many different types of lettering. I pulled out an algae green book and flipped through it, disappointed it had no pictures. None of them did. Only words I couldn't read.

I walked away a bit disappointed.

"I guess What is Love? is the only book I know how to read."

And that was only because Father read it to Pohlin and I so many times the words embedded themselves in my head.

"Oof!" I yelped, tripping over a small table that seemed to come out of nowhere. I along with the table's contents toppled to the floor.

"Where in Greeves did that come from?"

I crawled to the table and set it upright. Luckily I didn't make a mess.

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