An Hour A Day

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"Are you okay?" I heard Collin's voice. I opened my eyes and saw that I was in his light blue guest room.

I liked the light blue one but preferred the green one. I guess that was my favorite color.


But I really liked blue too.

I looked back down at Collin's concerned face.

I don't know? Am I?

I felt like I had been crushed. If I could avoid it, I wouldn't even dare look down at my body. If I was damaged, I didn't want to see it. I was glad my body wouldn't move.

Collin sat his head down on the bed next to me. The way the room was filled with his sassafras and doggy scent told me he had been here for a while. All of his rooms smelled empty.

What's wrong? I asked.

He didn't lift his head up from the bed.

"I should've listened to you. If I had, you'd never have gotten hurt. I let my guard down. Was too arrogant. I'm sorry. Please forgive me," he muttered.

I sighed.

It doesn't matter. Even if you had listened to me—which I really doubt—I hardly believe you would've made a difference. That woman was as vile as she was powerful. She was also determined to make me pay and take you for her own. You aren't the one who owes me an apology and I'd be puzzled if you started listening to me, considering you haven't since the day you first abused my tails.

He lifted his head up.

"Well, I will. I don't like being the letdown in any group. I couldn't stand the state you've fallen into before Cross healed you. If listening to you will prevent that then that's what I'll do!"

He made it sound like a chore.

You don't have to, I told him.

"Yes I do!" he argued.

No, I mean it. You don't. As a matter of fact, I don't think you will. And even if you did, I think I'd prefer it more if you didn't. Actually. I'd prefer just not to be around you.

I really meant all of that. I think he'd explode.

He growled as if he were still his soul-self. The Drogue.

"I said I would already so shut up and get off my back."

I sighed.

He's already not listening, I thought, forgetting that he'd hear me.

He pulled my ear, a crude action against an injured being.

"Yes-I am."

Ow! That hurts, I cried out.

"Yeah, I'm listening. I can hear you loud and clear."

Stop! I sat up and tried to claw his hands.

He let go.

"I just wanted to see if you could hear with those bowls you call ears."

I lay back down with a huff.

Better than you can, at least—

A glass broke, and there standing at the door behind a broken vase and flower mess was Thanos, her hand still in the position she must've broken the vase with. She didn't smile.

"I hope this wasn't important. You'll clean it up, won't you Collin?"

With that, she left.

Collin growled.

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