Glass Elephant

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"What is going on down here!" I heard Wren's distraught voice.

We all looked up to see Wren staring at the entire room with a fierce expression that gave no trace of the worry in her voice. She looked past us and flicked her fingers forward, and a heavy, cold downpour began raining down on us.

"Oh, come on! Can't a bloody bloke get some sleep around here without someone screaming, or burning, or starting a poppy swelling monsoon!" Phillip got up waving his arms. Next, he took all of those jackets and disappeared.

"Shut up, Phil," Sere shouted too late.

"Boo-hoo! Wreeen! Kill it! Kill it! That beast that idiot Sere brought in here. It bit. It bit. It biiiit meeeeee," the boy boo-hooed.

Wren sliced one of her hands and the downpour stopped.

The next moment she was next to the boy inspecting the bite.

I looked up to where she had been and saw several tense faces, including Vidale's and Faline's, but there were three guys who stood overwrought and waiting for an order.

Sere tried to hide me behind his back.

Wren got a look at the bite and then turned on Sere.

"What did this! Is it still alive!"

"He has it! He br-br. He brought it iiinnn heeeere. I thought I was g-gonna diiiie!" the kid wailed.

"Sere, see it here! Anything that could attack our master is dangerous! Why are you hiding it!" Wren honed in on him.

"Hey! Hold up a minute! You're really taking that spineless idiots word for it when he tried to exterminate us all a month ago to figure out if poison was still poisonous if you put it in something sweet!"

"Hey! Those were A quality chocolates and you were lucky I shared them with you all!" the boy yelled.

I was beginning to agree with the sarcastic note Sere used a moment ago.

"Then why didn't you eat any?" Sere growled.

The boy sniffed.

"I hadn't eaten dinner and didn't want to spoil my appetite."

"You do it any other day you liar! You knew those chocolates were poisoned because the Archduke sent them to you! Everybody hates you and we suffer for it!" Sere yelled, and Wren sighed along with several other people.

I grew more and more wary.

"Why dredge up petty things from the past. This is now and you brought that dangerous beast in here. You should've seen it, Wren! It was hideous and big. It had sharp teeth and claws. The minute I walked in its mouth dripped with spittle and it was huffing and growling at me. It gave me little choice but to attack it. It was going to eat Sere!" the boy lied.

"You little—" Sere growled but the boy cut him off.

"I saved your life! How dare you invite that bloody beast in here! You should be grateful I took its furious wrath in your place you ingrate! Who knows what that thing could be carrying?"

Wren sighed again.

"Sere. This is serious. Something just attacked our... Cross, and nothing should be able to do that... unfortunately. If you are hiding something then I won't ask again! Hand It Over!"

I could feel Sere strain and shake and groan, but slowly he began to bring me around front.

"Look! Wren. Before you do some...thing hasty it wasn't... her fault."

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