Chapter 1

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“Well Hello to you too”

Cheryl had just entered the hustle and bustle of the Green Garden Grammar school cafeteria. After a few minutes of stumbling through the hormone enthused adolescents, she found a table full of the familiar faces of her friends, and clumsily sat down on her usual seat.

“I can’t believe that old saggy excuse for a living human being is actually making me do this!” cried Cheryl in horror.

 Nicola, Nadine and Sarah attempted to display some kind of compassion for their friend of 11 years, however their talents had always been in the field of music, and their acting skills were failing miserably.

“Really Cheryl it isn’t that bad...” mumbled Nicola, who was far more interested in the half-consumed hot dog in her grasp.

“Not that bad? I have to do extra credit to pass you know what that means!?” “Umm experiencing the thrill of actually applying yourself academically?” smirked Nadine. “Well yes that...” whined Cheryl, “But I have to sign up for some geeky club like the marching band...or worse the mathletes!” “Why don’t you just view this as an opportunity to meet people? I found Mark the love of my life in track” said Sarah, who now became enthralled in thoughts of tight abdomens and biceps. “You also found Sam in poetry, Neil in gardening...oh and that guy Damien in extra credit science.” laughed Nadine, who never ceased to joke about the girls lovingly.

“Anyway we have more important things to discuss” added Nicola who had now finished devouring her lunch, with only a few crumbs (and some ketchup located on her chin) left as evidence. “When is our next practice session?”

Ever since the girls met in Kindergarten they had aspirations to achieve musical heights which no band had seen before. They formed a girl group and spent most weekends practicing, as well as painting each others toe nails, eating chips and dip and arguing over which celebrity had the cutest smile. Now at the tender age of 16, the girls had surprisingly not forgotten their dream, which continued to embed their friendship with a bond which could never be broken. 


The piercing sound of the school bell rang through the halls, causing distress and angst in the tardy teens who occupied the corridors. For Cheryl this was all to familiar, who was now sprinting as fast as her petite yet toned and envious legs were able to carry her. Not only did she have to join a co curricular activity, she was also now late to Gym, which was taken by the notorious Miss Breaker (some believed she hung kids from their toenails in her basement if they were late.)

Cheryl turned a corner, nearing her destination, when with a thump she suddenly fell to the ground. She hastily began to get to her feet, gathering her possessions, until she realised what had caused her to trip. A gorgeous and tanned girl sat at her feet, slightly dazed from the recent collision. Cheryl slowly reached out her hand to the girl, feeling slightly embarrassed. The girl saw Cheryl’s gesture, smiled (a very cute smile she had thought Cheryl) and gradually eased her way off the polished slate ground. For a moment they stood in silence, which surprisingly wasn’t awkward or uncomfortable, but was fuelled by a mutual curiosity.

“Um...I'm really sorry about that...” the girl said, once again unleashing a smile that Aphrodite would envy. “No, No its fine.” Replied Cheryl who had completely forgotten about the threat of toenail hanging. “I haven’t seen you at school before, are you new?” “Yes I am actually. I just transferred from Bradford.” Said the girl who was not coy but had confidence flowing out of every pore. The girl looked down and Cheryl followed her gaze. “Oh is that yours?” asked Cheryl, when noticing the brand new, state of the art Nikon camera at the girls feet. “Yeah! Thank gosh its not broken.”

The new girl bent down to pick it up, however Cheryl also did this, resulting in yet another collision. “Seems like we cant keep our hands off each other” Cheryl announced, realising how horribly strange her statement was the second it was realised from her plump lips. The girl laughed and said, “I'm Kimberley, oh and I'm late! Maybe I will see you around later?” “Yeah definitely” replied Cheryl, who was now watching Kimberley proceed to her next class. “WHERE IS CHERYL!” screamed Miss Beaker from the near by gym. “Double Crap” thought Cheryl as her body walked  into an hour of hell, while her mind lingered in the heaven that was Kimberley.

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