Chapter 8

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Kimberley hummed one of her favourite tunes as she casually sifted through various photo’s she had taken, whilst waiting for her most recent pictures to develop in their trays. She had woken up early this morning, the still sleeping Cheryl lying next to her peacefully. Kimberley didn’t have the heart to wake her, and decided to make breakfast, cheerfully throwing some bacon and eggs onto the fry pan. Kimberley had never felt such a rush of emotions before. It was like everything she has ever known had been compacted together and set alight into a beautiful blaze...which some called love. Eventually Cheryl woke from her slumber, and ate the breakfast gratefully, suffering from a headache. “How are you feeling?” asked Kimberley tenderly, who stroked Cheryl’s smooth cheek. “Like I have just been hit by a few small trucks.” Replied Cheryl, smiling wearily. “Maybe I can make you feel better...” said Kim as she gently placed her lips upon Cheryl’s, tracing her tongue along Cheryl’s lips and then in the soft confines of her mouth. “Mmm...I’m feeling better already.”

Kimberley laughed to herself as she reminisced about this morning whilst sitting on a stool in the photography room. She glanced over at one of the trays and noticed a photo was ready. “Oh goodie!” she said out loud. Once again she laughed, this time at herself. Moving over to the tray she cautiously lifted the photo from the watery depths, allowing a minute for it to fully develop. The image of a crowd of dancers appeared, all enjoying their drunkard moves. However on closer inspection something else appeared in the picture. A tall blonde girl located in the right had corner of the picture had her arms wrapped around a slightly shorter girl, and her mouth firmly planted on the shorter girls lips. Kimberley suddenly dropped the picture back into the tray with a “plop”. She stood in shock. “How did this happen...?...Is it really her?...” Of course Kimberley could not mistake the soft chocolate brown hair and the petite, toned body which was displayed in the picture. A single tear began to descend down Kimberley’s cheek, moving over her luscious lips, finishing its journey to the tray with another “plop”. 


Cheryl waited patiently outside the school doors, shuffling her feet in the autumn leaves which had begun to be swept into the wind and laid down on the pavement. However her wait wasn’t long as she heard a door bang violently and strong footsteps move in her direction. She turned, seeing Kimberley walk towards her, her cheeks stained with tears.

“Kim? What’s wrong?” asked Cheryl becoming intensely worried. She tried to place her hand on Kimberley’s, however it was pulled away violently.

“Don’t you dare touch me!” yelled Kimberley, her harsh words hitting Cheryl’s face with incredible force.

“What...?” Cheryl was now completely confused. The last time she had seen Kim they had talked lovingly while Kimberley played with Cheryl’s hands.

“Why did you do it? Why the fcuk did you kiss her?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Cheryl pleaded. She honestly had no idea what was going on.

“I gave you everything Cheryl! I trusted you. I told you things which I can’t bear to tell anyone else. I had sex with you! And you tell me you love me...Did you tell her that to? Is I love you just some casual phrase you throw around to get girls to fall for you? Is that it!”

“Kimberley...I do love you. I don’t know what has made you say any of this...and who is her?”

“You tell me.” Suddenly Cheryl began to remember. The blonde hair, the girl dancing ever so close...her lips. But Cheryl was still unable to answer Kimberley’s question. She had no idea who this girl was.

“I swear to you I never meant for that to happen. I don’t even know who it was. One minute I was dancing and the next she was on top of me. Please believe me! Please!”

At first Kimberley didn’t reply. She yearned to believe Cheryl and a part of her did. But the anger and pain captivated her being. The tears began to flow freely once more.

“Cheryl...” Kimberley couldn’t find the words, and so she simply pushed past Cheryl, walking off into the distance.

“Kim....Kim?” Cheryl sobbed softly, a gapping hole burning in her chest where her beating heart had just been torn from her body.

“Kim...come back...”

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