Chapter 11

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The soft wisps of grass tickled Cheryl’s feet lovingly as she strode through the small meadow, unable to take her eyes off of the girl walking hand in hand with her. They had decided to leave school early, as neither of them had classes last period, and walked to this field near Cheryl’s house. Most of Cheryl’s happiest memories where in this park; playing with her brothers and sisters, her dad swinging her onto his back while chasing her siblings through the strands of grass. Now she walked alongside Kimberley, who looked like an angel illuminated by the sunlight streaming from above. Cheryl gently intertwined her fingers with Kimberley’s, enjoying her warmth.

“You haven’t stopped smiling.” Kimberley observed casually, looking at Cheryl. “I haven’t been able to smile for so long, I guess now im making up for it.” “I missed much.” Kimberley said, remembering the dread that had overcome her in the past month. “I know. Every day without you was a day in...” “Hell.” “Exactly.” They walked in silence now, each running through thoughts in their mind.

“Why did you decide to believe me? After all this time.” This was a question Cheryl had been eagerly waiting to ask the whole afternoon. “Well the girl who kissed you, she told me about it and said you didn’t mean for any of it to happen.” “ who was it?” “I think it was some girl who sits behind me in maths.” Kimberley had previously decided that telling Cheryl that it was in fact Nadine who had kissed her that night was out of the question. They had such a strong friendship; Kimberley wouldn’t want to ruin that. “Im sorry that this ever happened.” Cheryl said quietly, now directing her gaze towards her feet. “Me too. But it’s all over now.”

Kimberley moved into Cheryl, wrapping her arms around her torso, wanting to melt into her. Cheryl held Kim close, slowly moving her hands down her back towards her ass. “I love you so much.” Kim said simply, just before placing her full lips on to Cheryl’s. The kiss grew from soft to intense, letting all their emotions escape from their bodies. Cheryl ran her tongue along Kimberley’s bottom lip, and Kim answered by opening her mouth slightly. They now explored each others mouths, both becoming more aroused by the minute. “Cheryl...?” “Yeah?” “Take me now.”

Cheryl laid Kimberley down as gently as possible in the long strands of grass and flowers. Thankfully the foliage covered their bodies from the public’s eyes. They continued to kiss, with Cheryl now moving her kisses down Kimberley’s neck, lingering on the flesh between her shoulder blade and the bottom of her neck. “That feels amazing.” Kimberley moaned in ecstasy. Cheryl was pleased with this and now pursed her hands over the buttons on Kimberley’s shirt (realising that their school uniforms really were ugly.) Kim placed her hand on top of Cheryl’s and helped her open one button. Taking this as permission to continue, she undid the other three buttons and placed Kimberley’s shirt to the right of their hot and wet bodies. Her bra soon joined this developing pile of clothes. With Kim’s breasts exposed Cheryl quickly attended to them, first kissing them lovingly then caressing them with her hands. “Oh my...” “Are you ok babe?” Cheryl asked cautiously, hoping she wasn’t going to fast. “I have never been more ok in my life!” Cheryl laughed slightly and ran more kissed down Kimberley’s stomach, while continuing to attend to her breasts which were now hard with pleasure. Cheryl’s right hand now moved from Kimberley’s breasts to her thigh, gradually moving up and inwards, feeling Kimberley’s area yearning for her touch. “I want you close to me...please Cheryl!” Kimberley pleaded, running her hands through Cheryl’s soft hair. Unable to resist Kimberley’s needs she slipped her moist underwear off and lifted her skirt slightly. Her head once again moved down and now her tongue began to pleasure Kimberley. Hearing Kim moan her name repeatedly only made her more eager, and she now slipped two fingers into the girl, while she kissed Kim hotly, allowing Kim to taste her own juices. “Cheryl! Bloody hell!” Kimberley yelled as she moved up and down, soon reaching a climax. She fell back onto the ground, enjoying the feelings that were now coursing through her body. Cheryl laid her head on Kimberley’s chest, hearing her heart rate slow down gradually.

“What was that?” a small man asked from the balcony of his humble home. “Maybe the wolves are coming back down from the north for mating season.” His wife replied handing him a small cup of tea, whilst listening to cry’s coming from the field which lay in front of the house. “Those wolves are lucky” thought the man grumpily, sipping his tea.

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