Chapter 5

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It was a cold morning, the winter breeze gently caressing Cheryl’s hair as she walked joyfully towards Kimberley’s house. She narrowly avoided the puddles that were present from last night’s rain, making sure her new shoes (which she picked out with Kimberley in mind) wouldn’t be utterly destroyed before she even made it to the Walsh’s door.

After Cheryl and Kimberley’s conversation in the photography room (although there was more kissing then talking), they had decided to walk home together. It was raining lightly, with drops falling slowly down Cheryl’s face, which Kimberley wiped away every now and then. “So are you my girlfriend now?” Cheryl blurted out, rather unromantically. Kimberley giggled, but then seemed to go into deep thought for a minute. “I guess I could put up with being your girlfriend....” Kimberley teased. They eventually reached Kimberley’s house, although neither of the girls was keen on parting. “Sweet dreams,” Cheryl said as she prepared to walk the rest of the way alone. She felt Kimberley’s gentle grasp pull her back, and then her soft lips initiate a goodnight kiss. When they finally parted Cheryl was left with a tingling sensation captivating her body. “You too Cheryl,” Kimberley whispered as she fished a key from under the door mat, unlocked her door and disappeared from sight.

Cheryl was once again standing in front of that very door, rapping lightly on its surface. In a matter of seconds Kimberley bounced out the door into Cheryl’s arms. They embraced for a minute, enjoying each others warmth. “Good morning.” Kimberley chirped as she headed down her front steps onto the footpath. “Hey! Wait for me!” Cheryl called after her, chasing Kimberley down the street. Cheryl soon caught up to her and Kimberley laughed playfully, loving having such a beautiful girl chase after her. Cheryl held Kimberley’s hand in hers as they continued their journey to school.


The scrapping of pencils to paper was all that could be heard in Cheryl’s 5th period English class. They were supposed to be writing an essay on literary techniques used in Hamlet; however Shakespeare could wait. Cheryl was sitting next to Nadine, who as usual conducted her work with ease. “Should I tell her?” Thought Cheryl, who had spent most of the day feeling guilty about not telling the girls about her relationship with Kimberley, and not letting them be part of her excitement. But would they accept her? Sure they loved her dearly but this...this could potentially tear their friendships apart. Cheryl suddenly ripped a piece of paper out of the back of her book and began to scrawl writing onto its surface.

“Nadine I need to tell you something...I'm gay.”

She might as well be straight forward, she thought. She folded the note into half and passed it to Nadine. Nadine looked up from her work and smiled, pleased that Cheryl had devised something potentially interesting to do in such a bland class. Nadine unfolded the note, read it, and casually wrote a reply.

“No Sh!t Cheryl”

“What! You knew! Well thanks for telling me Nadine, could have saved me all that worry.”

“Sorry! I just thought I would leave it for you to tell me in your own time.”

“Do the others know?”

“I don’t think so...Nicola has been too busy with school work to think about anything else, and well Sarah is oblivious to anything without a six pack.”

“Good, I think I might tell them at lunch....Do you know about Kimberley?”

“Of course. Cheryl you might be able to sing but you aren’t too skilled in hiding your feelings. How you got the lead in the play I will never know haha.”

“We kissed you know, a few times!”

“Well you’re the next Casanova aren’t you? Maybe you should take Kimberley to Georgia’s big party this weekend. Lots of opportunities to spend some time together there.”

“That’s a great idea! Plus it might help her get to know a few more people here. You don’t think I'm weird now do you?”

“Cheryl I will never stop being your friend. You should know that. But to be honest I always thought you were weird!”

Nadine winked cheekily and began to pack her things into her bag. Cheryl laughed and hugged Nadine with all her might, thankful that she was so understanding. They left the classroom together, discussing the kissing and the party and how their friendship could never die.

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