Leaving Mirkwood

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Author's note: I do not own any of the characters in this story except two or three original characters. The rest of the characters belong to JRR Tolkien and/ or Peter Jackson

Tauriel POV

Tauriel wept over the body of Kili. She had known him for so short a time. Was she in love with him? She couldn't tell. Didn't love make people happy? Yet here she was, crying over someone she thought she might love.
"Tauriel." A gentle voice said to her. She looked up. There stood Legolas Greenleaf, a stoic expression on his face.
"Hir nin Legolas." She said in greeting.
"I am leaving Mirkwood for a time." Legolas said to her.
"I have been banished." Tauriel said to him. "And I doubt your father will forgive me. Perhaps I could come with you."
Legolas shook his head. "I do not think that is wise. I need time to think of what my father told me. I do not need any distractions."
The Elven Prince walked off, going who knew where. He saddled his horse and vanished from sight, heading toward Rivendell. "Farewell, Mellon nin." He called out to her.
"Farewell, Legolas. Where shall I go?" She said to herself. "Home is no longer an option. I shan't be unwelcome in Lothlorien or Rivendell." She looked down at the stone in her hand, the one Kili had given her on the docks before the battle. "I should give this to his mother in the Blue mountains first."

Tauriel mounted her horse. She looked back to see the dwarves carrying Kili's body away. They would bury him with his uncle and his brother, three kings who would never rule.
Tauriel turned to face forward and she was off to find where Kili and his kinsfolk came from. She rode through Mirkwood, ignoring the pain that was in her heart. She could never return here, to her home, her position as Captain of the guard. Never would she and Legolas exchange stories of Luthien or Nimrodel, during the feast of starlight. She was now a vagabond, with no home, like the dwarves, like the Rangers of the Dunedain.
Tauriel came across Mithrandir and the halfling she had seen as the dwarves had escaped Mirkwood in barrels. Before everything failed. Before Thranduil banished her.
"I think, Gandalf, that I shall write about this adventure, and when I am old and gray, I shall tell the stories to the young hobbits in Hobbiton." The halfling said to the wizard. "Besides, I don't think I shall forget the friends I had in those dwarves."
Nor shall I, Tauriel thought, riding past the two.

Two days later, Tauriel arrived in the Blue Mountains. It was a town of dwarves. Thorin Oakenshield had brought his people here after Smaug had burned Erebor. Tauriel had never seen so many dwarves before. Dwarf children ran to and fro, flying kites or stomping in mud puddles.
One teenaged dwarf lad leaned against a wall. "Why are you here, elf?" The young dwarf demanded.
"I bring news. I am looking for Dis." Tauriel replied, trying not to get angry with the youngling.
"What do you want with my cousin?" The dwarf boy demanded.
"Gimli, who are you talking to?" A female dwarf's voice called out.
"There is an elf here. She's looking for Dis." The young dwarf reported to his mother.
"An elf? Get the scum out of here!" The mother called out.
"I bring something belonging to Dis's son." Tauriel said to Gimli. She showed him the stone. Gimli's face went pale.
"Where did you get that? That was Kili's!" The dwarf boy exclaimed in fear.
"I must see Dis." Tauriel said to him.
"Right this way." Gimli said, leading her down the alley a couple houses. "Is my father all right?" He asked.
"He's alive." Tauriel assured the boy, remembering the red-haired dwarf Legolas had insulted when they were being put in the dungeon of Mirkwood. That had to have been this dwarf's father.
Gimli knocked on the door. "Cousin Dis. There's someone bringing news of Fili and Kili." He called out.
A dwarf lady opened the door. "An elf? Why would you have news of my sons?" She demanded.
Tauriel held up the stone. "Kili gave this to me. I'm afraid he didn't make it." She handed the stone to Dis, who took it with shaking hands.
"What of my brother?" Dis asked. She was taking losing all her sons too well.
"Thorin Oakenshield was killed by Azog the Defiler. There was a war. Orcs attacked Erebor and Thorin fell down fighting. Bolg killed your sons. I'm sorry." Tauriel said to Dis.
"Then there is no King Under the Mountain?" She asked.
"Dain is King. All the others in Thorin's party are still there." Tauriel explained.
"Tell me, she-elf, why do you tell me all this?" Dis demanded.
"Because I cared for Kili." Tauriel replied. Dis looked at Gimli. The two shrugged.
"An elf caring for a dwarf? Not since the first age." Dis said, shaking her head.

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