With the Fellowship

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Author's note: Sorry I've taken so long to update again. I work most days out of the week these days with a bunch of special ed children on a bus. The bus doesn't exactly have wifi, so there's that. Anyway, without further ado, here's a new update.

(Legolas POV)

Legolas set out with the Fellowship, only looking back at the figures of Tauriel and Thrandriel a few times. He turned when Aragorn said his name.

"Do not worry for them, Legolas. Your wife can look after herself. The journey to Mordor will be a long and dangerous one." Aragorn said to him. "You cannot focus on them at the moment." He looked out on the horizon, seemingly lost in his own thoughts.

"The mines of Moria. My people built this, you know." Gimli the dwarf told Legolas.

"I know." Legolas said quietly. "But Mithrandir said that there are dangers in there far older than he."

"Let's let the Ring bearer decide." Gandalf suggested.

"Mines of Moria." Frodo said bravely.

And so, that was where they went, travelling through the dark. Legolas could feel a presence, something far older than he was. Older, even than Mithrandir. Ancient and powerful enough to kill them all. 

His intuition was proven correct when they found the dwarves and their record of this place where they had settled. They had been killed in this very room. Gimli's kinsman lay in that tomb. A chill ran down Legolas' spine. He had met that dwarf, if briefly in Mirkwood years ago when he was their prisoner.  

Suddenly, one of the hobbits accidentally knocked something down the old well. The sound echoed through the caves. Then silence. But soon, there was the sound of drums, quiet at first, then getting gradually louder and louder.

Legolas fletched an arrow to his bow. Aragorn and Boromir drew their swords and Gimli hefted his axe. They barricaded the door, prepared to fight. And fight they did, for suddenly there were orcs and other creatures to fight. 

The fight ended quickly. Frodo had fallen in the the battle and Aragorn was seeing to his wounds. To everyone's surprise, Frodo wasn't badly hurt at all. The Mithril chain mail had protected him from harm. He only had a large bruise on his chest that would heal in time.

"That wasn't the last of them." Aragorn said knowingly. "We need to keep moving." And so they ran, following Gandalf to safety. But their path was soon blocked by something ancient. A balrog. It clearly meant to harm them. Gandalf told them to leave, to find another way out. 

"YOU CANNOT PASS!" He said to the creature. He said other words that Legolas couldn't remember later on. But Gandalf turned around once again to tell them to leave this place. He was dragged down off the edge of the bridge.

Legolas stared in shock for a moment, before Aragorn reminded them all that they needed to go. And so, off they went, tears streaming down the faces of all involved. Mithrandir was gone. Legolas had experienced others' deaths but little. He barely remembered the death of his mother. Legolas was saddened more than he had ever been.

"We head to Lothlorien." Aragorn said, breaking Legolas' thoughts. 

"Must we go now? We are weary of body and of soul." Boromir argued.

"The orcs will continue to hunt us. They know Frodo has the ring. They will not let us mourn Gandalf. We keep moving." Aragorn said. And so, Legolas and Aragorn lifted the hobbits onto their feet.

What awaited them in Lothlorien would be better than what had gone down here. Legolas had distant kin in Lothlorien.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2017 ⏰

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