Betrothal Feast

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[Tauriel POV]

Tauriel arrived at her own home. It was almost as big as the palace. It was amazing. Three servants stood at the door waiting for her arrival. She dismounted and two servants took her her horse to the stables. She had never thought she would have such a thing as servants or stables. Everything was going well for her. She was close enough to ride to the palace and do her duties as captain of the guard and spend time with Legolas when she wasn't on duty.

Legolas laughed as he dismounted his own horse. "You look like you have never seen a manor before. This was all you, Tauriel." He said to her. "You saved my brother's life. And now you can live like we do. I give you my congratulations. Will you come to Elrias' feast tonight?" 

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Tauriel said, grinning.

"I will see you then." Legolas replied, mounting his horse again.

"Where are you going?" Tauriel demanded.

"I'm allowing you time to get used to your new home. Father has a few tasks for me to do." Legolas told her. "I'll come back tomorrow." He rode off in the direction of the palace.

"Right this way, Lady Tauriel." The servant said, leading Tauriel inside.

"So, how do you like having your own servants?" Tauriel's friend Nimrodel asked.

"It is strange. I can understand how they feel. It is also strange to have others wait on me." Tauriel replied.

"Prince Legolas seems to have taken quite a shine to you." Nimrodel observed. She glanced over to where Legolas sat with Thranduil, Elrias, Eiradriel and her family. Legolas was looking their way.

"He's been like that for a long time." Tauriel replied. She looked back at Legolas, giving him a smile.

Thranduil stood up at that moment and began to talk about Elrias and Eiradriel. Tauriel stopped listening after a moment or two.

Two Years later

Tauriel and Legolas sat in their chambers at the palace after a day of fighting spiders and orcs. They had been married for less than a year. Thranduil of course had not wanted them to be married, but he realized that Tauriel was no longer a servant and he let them marry.

"Days like this remind me of that time the dwarves escaped in the barrels. The day our lives changed." Legolas said, picking up a novel.

"Brought us together, though." Tauriel said, smiling. She laid back.

"Elrias never did tell me what happened when I found him." Legolas said thoughtfully. "He probably got too close to some orcs."

"He's all right now. Eiradriel makes him happy. I don't think he'll look into the whole orc problem." Tauriel replied.

Tauriel was in the armory, teaching some of the younger guards how she threw knives. Some were simply not understanding how it worked, while others were doing rather well at it. Try as she might, she couldn't get the ones who didn't understand to do well. 

Prince Elrias entered the armory looking worried.

"Tauriel, can I speak to you a moment?" He asked her hesitantly. Tauriel nodded and told one of the better guards to help those who weren't as good. Elrias led her to a secluded area.

"What is going on?" Tauriel asked him.

"I know you don't like talking about the year of the battle of five armies, but there's something I didn't tell you. I'm sure you remember when there was an arrow in my shoulder?" Elrias asked her.

Tauriel nodded. "You said you were shot by an orc, but you never told us why or anything that happened that day." She replied.

"There were orcs who left after they had been defeated. Father gave me an assignment to track some of them down and kill them. That's what I was doing when I left Lorien to find Legolas. I was doing both tasks at once. When I least expected it, one orc shot me with an arrow. I managed to kill him, but there are still others out there. Father won't let me out there because of what happened that day. I have a request. Could you and Legolas and some guardsmen go out there and hunt them down?" Elrias asked her.

"If I did, that would leave Fangorian in charge of the newer guards. I suppose I could leave Elros in charge. Though last time he did, a halfling and thirteen dwarves escaped. If I do go, you'll have to promise me you won't let him have any wine." Tauriel replied. "I will of course have to discuss it with Legolas and possibly your father."

"Do not discuss this with Father, whatever you do. He will tell you not to get involved. He doesn't want to lose you and Legolas. This stays between the three of us."

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