Refusing to sit idly

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Author's note: Sorry for updating six months later than I intended. I had computer issues and many other things go wrong. I cannot guarantee updating often, but I will as much as I can. For now, enjoy the new part.

[Tauriel POV]

Tauriel watched the fellowship leave, a brave group walking into unknown dangers. She wondered what would happen if they knew what they were headed into. But the look of determination Legolas had on his face had told her he had made his choice. 

A choice he had forbidden her to make. He had known it would be dangerous. But Tauriel had been in danger before. After all she had been the Captain of the Guard before this point. But she had a daughter now. One who couldn't be left on her own. But what was she to do? She couldn't just sit and wait for them. Not like Arwen Undomiel was going to do. That was who Arwen was. But that wasn't her. The world was too dark for her to leave it alone. She wanted to help fix it.

She had a plan. Lady Galadriel had invited her back many times. But she had wanted to stay in Mirkwood, as that was her home. But as things were now, perhaps she would be better off there, both she and Thrandriel. Tauriel could be Captain of the guard there and help Haldir.

She watched until they were just small dots on the horizon. Then she returned to her daughter. Thrandriel awoke soon after Legolas had left.

"Where's Ada?" Thrandriel asked her.

"Your father has gone to bring light back to the world. But he will be back. And in the meantime, we will go to Lothlorien. Your father might not go there, but we will be there. And we will be safe there." She said to her.

"But we just got here." Thrandriel complained. "I don't want to leave without Ada."

"Come. Pack your things. We'll come back here soon." Tauriel promised. She packed her own bags as she spoke. Thrandriel made a face at her and packed her bags slowly.

"You have returned, young Tauriel. And you have brought your child. But you are sad." Lady Galadriel said to her shortly after they arrived in Lothlorien. 

"It is Legolas. He has gone to destroy the One Ring. He and eight companions. I do not know what shall be his fate. Or any of their fates." Tauriel told her. Tears streamed down her face before she could stop them. Tears she hadn't shed the like of since Kili died.

"All may yet be saved. Do not despair, young Tauriel. All hope lies with the fellowship. Your Legolas knows how to protect himself. He is a seasoned warrior. As, I might add, are you." Galadriel said to her.

"What am I to do, My Lady? I'm alone with a small child. I cannot stand idly while they fight a war against those who would destroy Middle Earth." Tauriel wept.

"For now, rest. You've had a long journey. Then you may look into my mirror and see what you see." Galadriel said to her. "You'll find the healing keep empty once more."

Tauriel bowed and led a half-asleep Thrandriel to where she had lived for a few months after Kili's death. 

"Will Ada be here?" Thrandriel asked as Tauriel tucked her into one of the healing beds.

"I do not know the fate of your father, my child." Tauriel replied, kissing her daughter's forehead and climbing into her own bed. She fell asleep quickly.

"What will I see in there?" Tauriel asked Galadriel as they approached the basin.

"It will show you whatever it thinks you need to see. It can show that which is past, that which is present and some things which are to come." Galadriel said to her.

Tauriel looked into the mirror. It showed her Legolas and the Fellowship travelling through the Mines of Moria. Mithrandir led the way with his staff alight. Other than the light from his staff, it was quite dark, and there were few other lights. 

The scene changed abruptly to Legolas in a battle shooting down orcs. He and Aragorn fought close to one another, protecting the rest of the Fellowship from harm. Of a sudden the two looked up in shock, as if they had heard something. The two continued to fight and ran to find the source.

The last thing Tauriel saw was Legolas building a boat. His surroundings were of white stone.... Like Gondor. But it couldn't possibly be Gondor. Legolas would have no reason to go there. All his kin were in Mirkwood. Then Tauriel saw herself and an older Thrandriel approach him and say something. Then Legolas followed them inside one of the buildings.

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