Tauriel's dream

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Tauriel left the Blue Mountains behind. The dwarves were not what she had expected. Dis had been kind, but it was clear that Tauriel was not to stay. After all, Dis had just lost those who were closest to her. She needed to grieve all of them on her own. Dis had placed the stone in her window. Gimli and his mother had packed up to leave for Erebor, along with most of the other dwarves in the Blue Mountains. Dis would be staying here in the Blue mountains with few others of her remaining kin. All her hopes had been dashed away by orcs.

Dis had kindly given Tauriel supplies for her journey. Tauriel had decided to leave for Lothlorien. It was the only place she felt she could go. Legolas had gone to Rivendell and he had made it clear that he didn't want her following him. He had seemed cold and angry when last she had seen him. She would wait to catch up with him until he had calmed a bit. Tauriel wondered if he had found what he was looking for yet.

The sun had gone down and the moon was starting to rise. Tauriel looked out at the stars, remembering her conversation with Kili on the night of the Feast of Starlight. It seemed so long ago, that conversation, though it had been only a few weeks earlier. She remembered him saying the stars seemed to be a cold, uncaring light. Tauriel still thought that the stars were pure memory. 

Tauriel made her camp and lit the fire. She knew she had a long journey ahead. She might as well get some rest while she could.


Thranduil had sent Tauriel to Rivendell along with Legolas and eight of her guards. It was the day of the feast of starlight. Tauriel was singing to Legolas the song of Nimrodel.

Tauriel paused mid-sentence as she sensed something coming toward them. Legolas and the guards tensed up. But it was only Lord Elrond hunting orcs with a small party from Rivendell. His sons were there as well. Legolas greeted them all.

"Where did you learn that song, Tauriel?" Legolas asked her. "It is quite beautiful."

"It is a sad story, hir nin. Amroth drowned and Nimrodel vanished." Tauriel said to the prince. "I learnt this story from my father long ago. It is the only memory of him that I have." She gazed ahead lost in thought.

"At least you have that, mellon. There are no memories of my mother. Father won't talk about her, even in passing." Legolas said.

"What about Elrias?" Tauriel asked the prince.

"He remembers little." Legolas replied, looking down. "Please, continue the story." He was uncomfortable talking about this, Tauriel knew. She could scarcely ever talk about her own parents.

That was the first time Tauriel had bonded with Legolas on a personal level. They had been friends ever since.

[Flashback end]

Tauriel lay by the fire staring up at the stars. She found herself fast asleep very soon. In her dream, she saw Legolas. He wore armor and carried his bow, quiver and daggers. An older Gimli and a Man were with him. They were fast asleep. Legolas looked behind him, straight into Tauriel's eyes. There was a surprised look on his face.

"I thought you were back home." Legolas said to her.

"After accidentally losing the creature Gollum, your father once again banished me. I've been in these woods for a time." Tauriel found herself saying.

Legolas cursed. "He can't do that. He accepted you back when you saved Elrias. He promised not to banish you again." He said angrily.

"It is not your fault, Mellon." Tauriel said to him calmly. 

"I should have been banished in your stead." Legolas said to her. He leaned toward her till they were only inches apart....

Tauriel awoke as the first light shone in the sky. Her horse looked at her quizzically. It was most likely hungry. Dis had given her rations for the horse, fortunately, so Tauriel fed the horse and herself and they hurried off. It would take them some time to get to Lothlorien. She would ride all this day and the next before she got there.

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