Rivendell/Separated again

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[Legolas POV]

Legolas and Tauriel rode away from Mirkwood. The last light of day shone over them as the sun set. Legolas held a sleeping Thrandriel on his lap as he rode his horse. A small set of guards surrounded them at Thranduil's insistence. There had been talk of orcs seen between Mirkwood and Rivendell. Thranduil had wanted them all safe, even if he was planning to banish Tauriel.

"There's talk of Black Riders too." Elros said, shuddering. "They're looking for the one ring."

"Nonsense. The one ring was lost long ago." Legolas said to him.

They heard a horse coming behind them. Legolas turned to see his brother and three guards riding full steam toward them.

"Legolas," Elrias panted, "Something has happened. The Black Riders killed several guards. They were looking for Gollum and no one knew where he was. You must tell Lord Elrond about this."

Legolas and Tauriel arrived at Rivendell two days later. Several servants were bustling about helping people get settled. Many people had come for the council of Elrond, including a few dwarves. Legolas recognized one of Kili's kinsfolk, though the years had whitened his hair. Four hobbits paced outside a door in the healer's keep. Legolas wondered what was happening there.

Aragorn greeted them as soon as someone told him they were there. He looked like he'd been travelling.

"Welcome to Rivendell. Has Gollum escaped?" He asked Legolas.

Legolas nodded. "What have you been doing?" He replied.

"Helping four hobbits get here. One was gravely wounded by a Morgul blade. If it hadn't been for Glorfindel, he would surely have died." Aragorn said to him.

"Are you going back to the rangers?" Legolas asked him.

"Perhaps I shall after the council. I haven't decided." Aragorn replied. There was a look on his face that told Legolas that he was uncertain about his path.

At the council, Legolas discovered the there were bigger problems than a missing creature. A whole group of dwarves had vanished, which had brought Gimli and his father to the council of Elrond, one hobbit carried Sauron's ring. His name was Frodo. The conversation quickly shifted to Frodo and the ring. The man from Gondor named Boromir wanted the ring to help his people. Gimli attempted to destroy the ring with his axe, but the axe shattered. Lord Elrond then suggested sending a group to destroy the ring at the fire of Mordor. An argument ensued concerning who would take the ring. Gimli verbally attacked elves. Legolas and Tauriel struggled to restrain their guards who wanted to physically attack Gimli.

Legolas heard a small voice say that they would take the ring. The fighting stopped. "I will take the ring, though I do not know the way." Frodo said earnestly.

"I will go with you. You have my sword." Aragorn said, kneeling to eye-level with the hobbit.

Legolas thought about it for a moment. He thought on Tauriel's words a few days earlier. Frodo was the hope she had been talking about to make the world better for Thrandriel to grow up in. Legolas wanted to help, but what about Tauriel? He couldn't leave her behind. She may be banished after losing Gollum. But perhaps she and Thrandriel could stay here where it was safe. "You have my bow." He said after a moment.

"And my axe." Gimli said, unwilling to be outdone by any elf. Boromir and Gandalf both joined in as well. Suddenly the door opened and three of the hobbits ran in, not wanting to stay behind while their dear friend and kinsman went on an adventure. And so there were nine. They called themselves the fellowship of the ring.

"Legolas, you are doing the right thing." Tauriel said that night as Legolas packed a few small things for the journey. "If not for our child, then for everyone else. Thrandriel and I will be safe here at Rivendell if your father has indeed banished us. We can settle here after you return from your quest, and we can go to the Grey Havens with Lord Elrond and all the elves who live here. It may not be Mirkwood, but it can become our home if it need be."
"We don't know that my father has banished you yet. We can't think like that." Legolas said calmly. "I shan't be more than a few months." He said as she started to weep. He brushed away her tears.
"Ada, tuck me in." Thrandriel pleaded. Legolas smiled sadly and turned to put his daughter to bed.
"Ada's leaving tomorrow, little one." Legolas said to her, as he pulled the blankets up the her chin.
"I'll come with you." Thrandriel said excitedly.
"No, little one. Your mother needs you here, so you can take care of her." Legolas said, winking at Tauriel. "Sleep now and dream of running through the forest after rabbits and squirrels. The stars shining overhead as the wind blows through your hair. You stop to pick flowers to bring home to your mother." He said softly. This was the story he told her every time he put her to bed. His daughter was soon fast asleep.

Thrandriel was still asleep when the fellowship left in the direction Gandalf led them. Instead he and Tauriel said their goodbyes as the dawn broke through the clouds of night.
"Tell her that I love her." Legolas said to Tauriel, as he waited for Aragorn and Frodo before leaving Rivendell.
"I will. I love you, Legolas Greenleaf." Tauriel said, kissing him. "Come back to us alive."
"I will." Legolas said, as Aragorn and Frodo left the palace. "I love you too, Tauriel. Farewell until my return." The fellowship left Rivendell at that moment.

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