Journey to Mirkwood

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[Legolas POV]

"Why are you helping Tauriel?" Legolas asked Elrias as they rode toward home with the setting sun. Tauriel was in front of them, deep in thought as she rode.

"Father has forbidden you to marry her, as he forbid me to marry the Rohirrim maid I met a year ago. Father told me that she would die after a mere forty or fifty years, and I would be left alone. She is a completely different race from you and I. Tauriel is merely a servant. Father would be more flexible with letting you marry her." Elrias told him.

"Are you saying you want me to have the chance you couldn't have?" Legolas asked, looking at Tauriel.

"You're my younger brother and I care a great deal about you. Tauriel is like my younger sister. I want what's best for both of you." Elrias replied.

"That is why you want both of us in Mirkwood?" Legolas asked.

"The guards are refusing to have me and Fangorian as their leaders. They want both of you to lead them again. The battle of five armies made them angry. Some of their friends died in the battle and they blame Father and me." Elrias replied. Elrias had always had a good gentle heart, but he was tougher than Legolas and Tauriel combined. The combination of his kindness and toughness was not really something the guard wanted in a leader.

"So they want us to lead them?" Tauriel asked. "I doubt your father will let me back as captain of his guard."

"I can take care of that." Elrias assured her. "Father is rather desperate to have the wood clear of dangerous creatures and you were doing a fantastic job of keeping them away. Father knows that." There was a defiant grin on his face.

Hours later they arrived at Mirkwood. Fangorian stood guard outside the door to the palace.

"Hir nin Legolas. It has been a long time." Fangorian said, inclining his head. He looked at Tauriel. "What is she doing here?"

"Being pardoned." Tauriel replied.

"And why would the king do that?" Fangorian asked, scowling at her. "We already have a captain of the guard."

"Because she saved my life. I could've bled to death. But I didn't because she got to me just in time." Elrias snapped. "Let us pass. She's with us." Fangorian scowled but did as the crown prince told him.

"Father made him captain?" Legolas asked as they entered the palace. "He has the worst temper. He is not a good leader. It is no small wonder they don't like their current leaders."

"And what do you suggest, Legolas?" Thranduil asked him. Legolas turned to see his father.

"Grant Tauriel a pardon." Legolas suggested. "Let her be the captain of the guard again."

"Perhaps I will. When there is a reason." Thranduil replied. His face was neutral, showing little emotion like it had when the dwarves were their prisoners.

"She saved my life, Father. I was attacked by an orc and would've bled out if she hadn't healed me. Is that reason enough?" Elrias challenged. There was a rage on his face, the like of which Legolas had never seen on his calm and collected brother. Legolas laid a hand on his brother's shoulder to calm him.

"Prove it." Thranduil challenged back. He was angry. Legolas had seen him kill an orc with less anger than he now showed Elrias

"It's true, ada! I saw it. I found him when I was with the rangers. He was about to fall off his horse." Legolas replied. "I haven't lied to you thus far. Why would I start now?"

"Very well. Tauriel I reverse your banishment and give you a title. Forthwith you shall be called Lady Tauriel of Mirkwood." Thranduil said. "And you will return to your duties as captain of the guard, but only because Fangorian is not the captain of the guard we need."

Legolas looked at Tauriel, who looked at Thranduil in shock. She hadn't expected it to be this easy to come back, and neither had Legolas. He had thought it would take more pushing. Thranduil was not easy to talk into doing anything.

"You did it." Legolas said as they went to the armory where the elven guards were stubbornly sitting.

Tauriel shook her head. "No, mellon nin, you did it. You were the one who talked him into letting me back. He wouldn't listen to Elrias, but he would listen to you." She replied.

"I've wanted to help for awhile. I didn't know I did until now. I thought you were in love with that young dwarf. I was angry and confused. I wanted to run away from my feelings." Legolas said. "You were all I could think of."

"Legolas, I wasn't in love with Kili. I thought I was until I met his mother. She loved him and was crushed by his loss far more than I was. I hadn't known him long enough to love him." Tauriel said to him. "I was upset by your father saying I couldn't have you. So what could I do but move on. But it wasn't right."

"Forget what my father says. He doesn't rule our hearts." Legolas said, putting his arms around her and pulling her in. They shared their first kiss.

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