About The Soul and the Sword

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This is my very first actual book made from my own imagination. I wrote one in the past on my computer, but it was a fanfiction. Characters, equipment, and scenes in this story may have not existed back then, but there are hardly any fantasy elements.

Will contain blood and graphic descriptions, but does not contain severing of limbs or any other parts of the body. Also this story does not contain any sexual content period; whether in reference to sexual topics or direct actions. No use of language is in this story.

It may seem like a chick-flick style story from the description, but however it is not all kissing, romance, etc. It is a book for both those who love action and those who like emotion and drama to the story. Situations are very detailed to create a sense of immersion and to easily bring a picture to the imagination of the reader.

I tried to find the image again to credit it, but I sadly could not. The image is not my own, but is taken from some site on Google.

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