Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Paige's POV

I pressed the button for Meghan's apartment intercom. "Yeah?" She said through the speaker.

"Let me in girl, it's chilly," I replied as I heard the door unlock. I stepped inside the apartment lobby and took the elevator to the third floor.

I knocked on Meghan's door. I watched as it opened and my best friend stepped out from behind it.

"Hey Meghan," I said as I hugged the brunette.

"Hi Paige, what's up?" She asked and I walked in her apartment. She was the type of person that kept everything spotless, her modern decor perfectly placed.

"Nothing really, same as usual. I have a six page paper due tomorrow... " I said with a sigh.

"Haha, sucks to suck!" She yelled.

I laughed at her response. "Yes it does!" I agreed.

"So... Tell me more about 'the accident' and the mysterious boy who saved you," she put her head on her hands in anticipation.

"Meghan, that was like forever ago! And I have told you just about a million times!"

"I don't care," she said with a smile.

I sighed, "Okay, so I was walking outside and then this guy came and he was gonna kidnap me or something and then Zayn Malik-"

Meghan cut me off, "the amazing, brilliant, adorable, singer Zayn Malik" she corrected.

I chuckled, "Zayn Malik came up and beat the guy up and I got saved." I finished, expressionless.

"So what next? Did he kiss you? Anything? I need a little action!"

"Oh that wasn't enough action for you? Haha."

"That's scary action, I need cute action!"

"Anyways... No, I just left."

"What the hell Paige?!" She slapped my arm.

"God, aggressive much?" I giggled, "okay well I got to go write that dumb paper. Cya soon Meghan."

"Bye!" I heard her yell from behind me.

I walked back onto the streets and readjusted my scarf I was wearing. I sighed and saw my breath. Ah, typical New York winter weather.

I looked around the crowded street until my gaze landed on one specific person. A person I most definitely did not want to see.

Zayn's POV

It has been a couple months since 'the accident' and I haven't gone a day without thinking of the girl. What even was her name?

Oh gosh, now I feel like my life is a Cinderella story. She walked out without even telling me her name.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I noticed a pair of familiar blue eyes. The girl turned suddenly and sped away from me.

I followed the flickers of blonde hair in front of me as I ran after the girl. I quickly caught up to her and grabbed her, turning her around. I said only one word.


<hi everyone! This chapter is dedicated to @4EverThere because she inspired me to write. Her comment made my day :)>

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