Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Zayn's POV

"She called you, that is a sign!" Harry yelled at me.

I don't know why I was taking girl advice from these guys. I don't know why I would take any advice from them for that matter.

"Why would it be a sign? She just wanted to know the number wasn't fake."

"That's just an excuse girls use to have you get their number too," Louis said.

"Just text her!" Niall sighed.

"Fine," I typed the message. I hit send and immediately regretted it. What if she thought I was too clingy? Oh god, I sound like a girl...

Paige's POV

'Hey do you want to go grab some food later?' I smiled at Zayn's message.

I turned the phone towards Meghan who was intently watching Channing Tatum. Oh god he was hot, especially in this movie... Ooh lord 😍.

She slowly turned her head. "Ahh!" She screamed after reading the message. "Zayn. Fucking. Malik. Wants to go on a date with you!?"

She jumped off the couch and ran into my room. After a minute she popped her head around the corner. "Where are you going? I have to figure out the perfect outfit."

"I dont know if I'm even going yet."

"Are you seriously kidding me? You are going on this date no matter what!"

"It's not a date!"

She snatched my phone out of my hands, "'sure Zayn I'd love to, where do you want to go?' And... Send!"

"Well thanks Meg!" I said sarcastically.

"You know you love me," she smirked.

Zayn replied almost instantly. 'How about Roberta's?'

'Sounds great!' I quickly sent

'Okay, pick you up at six'

Roberta's was a little cute pizza restaurant downtown. It never was really that busy. Which I never understood why, the pizza was delicious.

"Okay!" I heard Meghan squeal in excitement. "Come here."

I walked over and we got me ready. A while later I looked in the mirror, I looked hot.

I was wearing light wash short shorts and a white shirt completed with a jacket, scarf, and leather purse.

"Yay, thank you so much!" I hugged Meghan.

"Haha no problem, now go get some!" We giggled. I glanced over at the clock, 5:56.

Just then the doorbell rang. I ran to go answer it. "Hey," I smiled at Zayn.

"Sorry I'm early..." He trailed off. God he was hot, he was wearing jeans (oh my lord they fit him well!) and a signature jacket over a plain white shirt. He stood awkwardly nervous in his sneakers.

"Early? I didn't even notice," I said.

He replied with a small smile, "ready?"

I nodded as we walked out the apartment door. Hopefully Meghan can lock up when she leaves.

We walked down the three stories of my apartment building. It was completely silent. It wasn't the awkward silence, it was the cute silence.

Roberta's is just a couple of blocks from my apartment so we had just walked.

The smell of Roberta's was absolutely divine. "Ah, pizza..." Zayn walked up next to me.

I took my jacket off and was about to pull out my chair and sit down when Zayn stopped me, "Let me do that." I smiled up at him.

With him being 5"9' and me only being 5"3' he was towering over me. "Thanks," I sat down.

He walked over to his chair and sat. "What kind of pizza do you like?" I asked.

"Uh, whatever you want."

"Okay, how about half pepperoni and half Hawaiian?" I asked.

"Sounds perfect," he replied just as the waitress walked up to our table.

"Hi, I'm Ava. I'll be your server tonight. Are you ready to order?" She fake smiled.

Zayn looked at me for confirmation, "yeah, I think so. I'll take a 'Dr. Pepper'."

"Sprite for me." I watched her scribble down our orders. "We will also take a half pepperoni and half Hawaiian pizza."

"Okay great. Be right back with your drinks." She walked off.

"So we don't really know that much about each other..." I trailed off.

"Yeah, um, what's your favorite color?"

"Haha, I like purple," I laughed.

"Oh yeah that's a good color," he laughed along. "Um, what's your favorite movie?"

"Ooh, I'm going original... 'The Notebook'," I said.

"I've never seen it."

"What?! It's amazing!" We both started laughing.

Once our laughter died down I commented, "you know, you're not at all what I thought you were gonna be like. I thought you were just gonna be another rude-ass celebrity."


"You aren't."

Most of the night was silence while we ate our pizza. After a while the check came, and me and Zayn had an argument about who was going to pay.

Finally I just gave up and let him pay. We walked out of the restaurant.

As we turned the first corner, Zayn grabbed my hand. I looked up at him happily. We walked the rest of the way home with our fingers entwined.

Once we got to my apartment door, he turned to face me. We looked into each others eyes.

His gaze slowly fell to my lips, then back to my eyes. I smiled. He leaned in towards me, his hand resting on the small of my back.

Then, I heard the door open. It was none other than my best friend Meghan. "Oh good it's just you... I thought it was some creeper."

"Okay well-uh-goodnight Paige. See you later," Zayn rushed downstairs.

"Oh my god Meghan! He was gonna kiss me! Why did you come out right then?" I yelled at her.

<there you all go. Hopefully it's okay>

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