Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Paige's POV

"Okay, I really thank you for-uh-saving me I guess... but I don't really want to talk to you right now." I spat out.

"All I said was 'Hey'" Zayn stated.

"I know but I have a paper to write and I have to get back to it," I said, trying to find a way to leave.

"Why don't you want to talk?" He asked, ignoring what I had just said.

Truth is I really did want to talk. I was just nervous of being with Zayn. He's just a member of the worlds most popular boy band... No biggie. Haha good joke.

"I-I-uh-" I stuttered.

"Come on, can we chat over a coffee? It's pretty cold out here," he asked.

I thought about it. Well, the paper can wait, "okay, I guess."

We walked over to the nearest Starbucks. I ordered a peppermint mocha. As I was getting out my card to pay the cashier, Zayn gave her his money. "Keep the rest," he smiled at the cashier.

"Zayn, you didn't have to do that."

"It's no problem... Um..."

"Paige, my name's Paige" I clarified.

He smiled, "Paige, I like it." I grabbed my coffee and sat at a booth. Zayn followed.

I had to admit, I liked the way my name sounded in his adorable British accent.

"So, Paige... What really happened before I got there?"

"Uh-well he just came up behind me and grabbed me that's it..." I trailed off.

"Oh, was it scary?" He sounded nervous.

"I guess, but then you came and kicked his sorry ass."

He chuckled. Silence fell over us as I sipped my coffee. Mmm, peppermint.

"So, I-uh thought I should give you this incase anything, you know, came up. Or if you just wanted to talk or something... Yeah"

Zayn's POV

Holy shit I was nervous! I don't know what came over me but I couldn't talk.

I slowly slid my number across the table to Paige's side. She took it, "thanks."

Oh gosh, I was running out of things to say. What if I sound like an idiot? Ha, I already did.

"Well, I'm gonna go. It was nice to finally meet you and everything but I have to get back to my school work," She stood.

"Okay, and if you need anything, just call me," I said.

"Sure thing," she smiled and took off.

I got back into our hotel suite and met up with the guys. "Where've you been lad?" Niall asked.

"Ah, nowhere. Just went for a stroll." I still haven't told them about Paige.

"A stroll? You've gotta be kidding me. What's her name?" Louis asked. They could see right through me.

"Paige, I met her a month ago after the concert here..." I explained the entire story.

"Haha, she's got you whipped mate," Harry chuckled.

"Does not!" I argued.

"Like a tub of whipped cream!" Louis yelled. We all laughed.

Like it or not, we can all tell when you've got a girl on you're mind," Liam stated and they all nodded.

"Well maybe, but she'll call me."

"You gave her your number?" Niall asked.

"Yeah... What's wrong with that?" I asked, hesitantly.

"Nothing, did she take it?" He asked.

"Yeah, but she had a paper to write so she's a little busy ri-" I was cut off my a vibration in my back pocket.

"Ooh, someone's got a call coming!" They all laughed.

I rolled my eyes and walked to my room to answer the call.


"Hey, it's Paige and I uh just wanted to make sure you didn't give me a bogus number." She laughed.

Her voice sounded amazing. "Oh yeah haha sure," I said.

There was a pause, "okay, well got to go. But I'll call you back another time, k?"

"Okay, bye Paige." I hung up the phone and opened the door. All of a sudden I found myself on the ground with four other bodies laying on top of me. "Were you guys eavesdropping?"

"Mayyyybeee" Harry replied.

Paige's POV

I hung up the phone and started typing my paper on the American-Mexican war. Talk about boring.

Why was Zayn acting so weird? He barely even talked. Hmm, whatever.

About three hours later I found myself sitting alone on my couch. Stuffing my face with Oreo cookie ice cream and crying over the movie I was watching.

I was at the very end of 'Marley and Me' and was balling, as usual. This part of the movie always got me.

I picked up my phone and dialed Meghan's number. "What?" She answered.

"I just finished 'Marley and Me', I'm bingeing on ice cream, and about to start 'She's the Man'. Get your ass over here!" I hung up.

Fifteen minuets later I heard a knock on my door. I got up and opened it. "Hey," I said to Meghan.

She had a half gallon bucket of ice cream and a spoon. "I'm ready," she sat down.

We sat in silence watching the Amanda Bynes movie. I checked my phone. One new message, from Zayn.

<there you go my directioners!>

<3 Sara?

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