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I wake up in a pitch black room, in someone else’s house, in someone else’s bed, with my hands and legs tied to the bed posts and I don’t know how I got there. One of the first things that I notice is that I am not in my black jeans and black tank top that I was wearing when I went to the park, instead I am in a man’s black long sleeve shirt and black sweats. When I try to get my hands and feet free the knots get tighter and tighter. My heart beats rapidly gaining more and more fear as the time passes. Tap, tap, tap.  The sound of footsteps echo in the room, How long have I been in here? I thought. The footsteps stop in front of the door. Click, click. The door unlocks and swings open and there is a tall figure standing in the door way. “It looks like she is awake now, what would you like me to do father?” In a deep male voice the figure asks an unknown person who I cannot see.

            “Just be a friend to her and make her feel comfortable,” another man says.

            “Ok,” the man in the door way says, and with that he enters the room and closes the door behind him.

            The man comes and sits on the side of my bed he looks at me and our eyes meet and stay locked a little too long making me look away. What he does is unexpected, he starts to untie the knots at my ankles and moves to my wrists, when his fingers genially touch my ankles and I feel a little shock that travels up my legs and into my stomach and the same happens when he touches my wrists. When my ankles and wrists are finally untied I get up as fast as I can and start towards the door but he is faster than I am and he is there before I get half way through the room. When I see that he has beat me I work my way to the wall and slide my hand on the wall feeling for a door or a window or anything I could throw at him so that I could get away but there is nothing in the room, (that I can find). When he sees what I am doing he starts walking towards me with his hands stretched out in a way that he is trying to say that he is not going to hurt me and says, “There is only one windows in this room, and I doubt you could open it, an there isn’t anything in the that you could use to throw at me either, sorry. Anyways I promise that I won’t hurt you though as long as you promise you won’t try to hurt me, ok?”

I nod slowly and when I find my voice I start asking questions so fast that my words mix together. “Who are you? Where am I? What do you want with me? How long have--” Before I can finish my question he is standing right in front of me.

“So many questions, do you want stop and get an answer?” He laughs a little and continued “I am Ashton. And yesterday I was walking out side when I saw a man in a big black trench coat with a big hood over his head carrying you over his shoulder and you had a handkerchief over your eyes, you looked like he kidnap you or something. So I grabbed a big two by four and hit him over his head and caught you before you hit the ground. When I got you here you were starting to wake up and you started hitting me and scratching me so I had to give you something that would make you go to sleep and then I tied you up to the bed so that if you woke up again and I wasn’t in here you wouldn’t hurt yourself.”

I was so surprised that he could understand me and that he had saved me that I started to fall and he caught me before I could hit the ground. “So you saved me? Why?” I asked as he put me on the bed and went towards the door. “Please don’t leave! Not yet…I am scared and I need someone--”

Before I could finish he looked at me and smiled a big smile that went from ear to ear and said, “I wasn’t leaving I was just going to turn on the light so that we could see better.” And with that said he flipped the switch and started to come back and sit on the side of the bed.

He has red wavy hair that flows around his face. His skin is as tan as the golden color of a sunset. His face is soft and inviting to look at, but also stern all at the same time. “You look cold, would you like to go down stairs and sit by a fire?” Ashton asks.

“I don’t want to go anywhere!” I say a little too fast and harshly. “I mean I don’t really want to go anywhere, could I have a blanket or a jacket or something instead?” I ask.

“Well I could go get a blanket but I would have to leave the room and since you don’t want me to leave. Ok, I promise that I will come right back and I will only be gone a minuet, are you ok with that?” Ashton asks and I see the concern in his eyes and how much he wants to be my friend and I see something that I have never seen in some ones face, understanding and care and love.

“Yes, that’s ok with me as long as you come right back. You promise?” and I know he does but I still had to ask because I have trust issues.

“Yes, cross my heart hope to die promise.” And with a smile he gets up and heads out the door.

He had only been away a minute when he returns with a big quilt that looks worm and cozy. Then he unfolds it and covers me with it, he also has some clothes in his hands “I brought you some different cloths for you because I thought you might like to change since you have been in those since you got here, not that I think you stink or anything but….. They might be a little big for you because they are mine but that’s all we have that might fit you.” He gives me the cloths and starts to head out the door.

“Wait, won’t you stay?” I ask not thinking that I need to change and that I don’t want him to see me change.

“Well I thought I would go get you some food while you change, are you hungry?” he asks.

“Kind of but not terribly. I’m sorry.” I say with a sigh.

“For?” he asks.

“For acting like a baby, and not wanting to be left alone,” I say with a sigh. “You must think I am some kind of weirdo or something.”

“I think it’s nice that you like having people around you and in the same room as you but I think you should change, not because you are smelly or anything, it’s just I think you should have some other cloths also and I will be right back with some food and while I’m gone you can change. Ok? Also I don’t know your name is.”

“Ok, and my name is Skyler” I say

“That’s a nice name it’s so lovely and it suit’s you also.” He smiled at me right before he left, such a nice smile and it makes me all warm and happy inside.

 And with that he is gone and I am alone to change. The only thing that I kept thinking about, If these are the only cloths in this house that would fit me that means he doesn’t have a sister or a mom that is here, and if he doesn’t have a sister or a mom living here then who put me is these cloths? I push the thought back and remembered that he said that he would be right back so if I wanted some privacy to change I should do it now.

mystries of magic (soon to be rewritten)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя