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“This looks like the place,” I tell Ash.

            “I just hope they are home,” he says as we pull into the driveway.

            “Well there is only one way to find out isn’t there,” I say as I give him a small smile and get out of the car.

            We get out and start towards the front door and knock. After a few minutes we hear footsteps coming towards the door, then it opens, and there is a woman standing there.

            “Can I help you?” she asks in a nice and formal voice.

            “Yes we are looking for Mr. and Mrs. Black,” I said in an equally nice and formal voice.

            “I am Rebecca Black,” and then a man steps into sight, “and this is my husband, Randy Black. What can we do for you today?” she asks.

            “Hi I am Skyler Night and this is Ashton Ridgewood. We were wondering if we could come in and talk to you.” I ask.

            “Um… sure come on in,” she moved aside and let us in, “This way please.” We fallow her into the living room. When we are all in there she gestures for us to have a seat. “Can I get you a drink or something?” she asked after we have sat down on one of their couches.

 “A glass of water would be fine with me how about you Ash?” he nods his head in agreement and them Mrs. Black is off into the kitchen for water.

            Mr. Black sits across from us on a loveseat. “So what can we do for you this fine day?” he asks.

            “Well, I think we should wait till your wife gets back,” right after that she comes back with two glasses of water and hands one to me and the other to Ash. “Well since you are back we might as well start from the begging. I am you daughter I was taken away from you when I was three, do you remember?” when I said this she and her husband turned really pale.

            “Well it’s nice to meet you. Now what do you want?” she asks.

            “Well, we were wondering if you know anything about some men in big, black trench coats with big black hoods.” I ask when I she does not say anything I continue, “They have been fallowing me around and they have been trying to kidnap me, one did even, then Ask saved me.” I said and smile at Ash, “But that’s not the point, they keep attacking me and they won’t stop fallowing me around. We were wondering you if you know anything about them?”

            “I thought this wouldn’t happen if we didn’t keep her. If we let her go into a house that wasn’t involved in this,” Rebecca said to Randy. “How did they find her?” she asked him.

            “I don’t know. I just done know,” was all he muttered

            “What are you talking about?” I asked the both of them.

            “Well, if we tell you, you cannot tell anyone,” she looked from Ash to me and then back.

            “We promise not to tell anyone, don’t we?” I ask Ash and he nods his head. “We cross our hearts hope to die stick a needle in our eyes if we tell.”

            “We are Nephilim, and so are you. Before we called the child service people we took you to someone who made it so that you wouldn’t see any things from our world, the other world. We fight them and keep peace in this world, you are one of us also and they, the people who keep trying to kidnap you, are trying to take you back to our home city and they want to start to train you so that you can help us keep peace because we are slowly losing our numbers and getting killed off. We called the child service people because we wanted you to have a normal life and not a crazy one like we had. All those times that we left we were going on missions and also going back home to where we grew up. That’s the only reason we did what we did, and I hope you forgive us but we understand if you can’t,” she said.

            “Wow, that is not what I was expecting,” I said with a little laugh, “And I forgive you because I know that you were only doing what you thought was best for me.”

            “Yeah it wasn’t what I was expecting either,” Ash said with a smile.

            “Thank you for being so nice. And if you would like we could start to train you, and your friend if you like.” Rebecca sounds so nice and kind.

            “That would be nice, but I don’t think Ash would like that,” I said but when I look at him I can tell that I was wrong and that he would like to train so I said, “Well I think I was wrong he would like that, a lot. So yes, we will take you up on that offer and we would be so happy and thankful.”

            “Good then you may stay here, both of you. You should probable call your parents and tell them where you are so that they don’t worry. You may use the phone in the hallway if you need,” she said.

            “Well I don’t really live with my “parents” anymore and Ash’s don’t really care, at least I don’t think they do, so we’ll be fine,” I give her the best smile I can, under the circumstances.

            “Then I will start dinner. What would you like to eat?” she asks.

            “I don’t know, anything works for me,” I say then I think how much I want mac and cheese, “Actually, I would like mac and cheese, if that’s ok.” When she smiles at me I know that it is.

mystries of magic (soon to be rewritten)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن