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Rebecca makes really good mac and cheese; some of the best I have had in a long time. “That was good, really good,” I said when we were all finished. We go into the living room after we have cleared the table and cleaned the dishes.

            “I guess we should give you a tour of the house,” Rebecca said. I can tell that she is the one that does most of the talking in this family and that Robert is shy, but I don’t know why he is, it’s not like we are criminals or anything. “This is Roberts and my room and this is your room. I don’t know where you will sleep though,” she says to Ash, “You could probably sleep on the floor or on the coach in the living room. This is training room where we do all our practice and all our exercise and where you will to.”

            “I would feel better if he stayed with me in the room. I hope you don’t minded,” I say.

            “No, that’s ok as long as it’s ok with Ash,” she looks at Ash and when he nods his head she looks back at me and adds, “I hope you will be responsible, and that is all I ask.”

            We both nod and we go back into the living room and get more acquainted with each other and I tell Rebecca and Robert what has happened in the last few years of my life. We got done it was almost ten and every one was getting tiered so we all go to bed.

            “They seem nice, don’t you think?” Ask asks when we are settled on the bed.

            “Yeah, they do. They are very understanding and kind for taking us in. Are you sure your dad won’t mind you staying here?” I ask.

            “Yeah, he won’t even know I am gone. The only thing he cares about is money,” he says and I can tell that he is sad just thinking about it so I don’t push it.

            “It’s ok they’re going to teach us how to fight and take care of our self. I’m sure we are going to have fun. Just think about the positives and not he negatives,” I give him a little hug then turn towards the wall and go to sleep. I didn’t know how tired I was till I closed my eyes and I was out like that.

“Time to wake up. We have a big day today,” Rebecca say in a very sweet voice the next morning.

            That is not going to wake Ash up, I thought. I rolled over and shook him and said, “You are going to miss all the wonderful, delicious, warm food, so wake up!!!” When he didn’t wake up or do anything I shook him even harder and yelled in his ear, “WAKE UP U BIG SLEEPY HEAD OR ELSE YOU ARE NOT GETTING WHAT EVER IS FOR BRAKEFAST CAUSE I AM GOING TO EAT IT BEFORE YOU GET UP!!”

            “Ok! I’m up!” he said with his head barred in his pillow.

            “Don’t look like it,” I said and then gave him another little shove.

He fell off the bed and onto the floor with a little thump.

            “Hey!” he yelled as he got up off the floor “I said I was up! You didn’t have to push me off!”

            “Like I said, it didn’t look like you were getting up because you just kept lying there with your head shoved in the pillow,” I said. He didn’t say anything in respond to that instead he went over to the door and went out of the room, I fallowed him with a big smile on my face.

            When we got into the kitchen Rebecca and Robert were sitting at the table waiting for us. On the table was a humongous stack of pancakes and there was a plate of strawberries and for cups of milk, one at each spot.

            “You guys better eat up, we have a big day today,” Rebecca said when she saw us enter the kitchen.

            At the table there was two empty seats next to each other. As we took our seats I commented, “This all looks really good.”

            “Thank you for letting us stay here with you, it’s very nice of you,” Ash said while putting a big stack of pancakes on his plate and buttering them up.

            “It’s nice to have you here. May be later we could go shopping to get you some cloths for while you are here,” Rebecca said with a big smile on her face as she watched Ash eat.

Then she looked at me and the smile disappeared from her face because, as I thought she had figured out from last night, I don’t eat hardly anything. I ate one pancake, and it was good.

“Thank you, it’s very good food,” I said.

“You didn’t eat very much. Are you sure you can’t eat any more?” she asked me.

“Yes, that was quite filling. Thank you,” I said again.

“She don’t eat much, at least not since I have known her,” Ash said between bits.

“Yeah well you should eat more Skyler because we have a big day today, we are going to start your training. We need to know how much you know already about fighting and protecting you’re self. How much do you know?” Rebecca asked me.

“Nothing at all, and I am not very strong either. Where do we start?” I asked.

“Well why don’t we finish breakfast first and then go into the training room and figure that out,” she said and looked at my plate again.

It didn’t take long before Ash had all the pancakes put away. Man that boy can eat a lot! I thought to myself while I wash my dishes from breakfast. It was good and I was not lying but I felt kind of sad because I think I hurt Rebecca’s feelings but I didn’t mean to I just don’t eat very much, I never have really. She looked sad or something I told her that it was good but I don’t think she believes me.

“Do you think Rebecca is mad at me or offended that I didn’t eat very much?” I asked Ash while we waked to the training room.

“No, I don’t think so. I just think she is not use to seeing a teen hardly eat anything. Those pancakes were fantastic, way better than mine,” he said.

“No, yours are better than that I would eat yours more than I would eat hers, not to be mean or anything but yeah,” I said.

“Now you are just being nice,” he laughed and I elbowed him in the side.

mystries of magic (soon to be rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now