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I’m running down a dark abandoned hall trying to get away from something that is really big, I am too scared to look back and see what it is. I pass hundreds of doors but none of the ones that I try to open don’t open. In the distance I see the end of the hall and there is one door there and I hope that is opens. I run as hard as I can the last couple yards to the door. Try hard as I might I cannot get the door to budge a single inch. I hear the creature getting closer, its deep steady breath getting closer, I can hear the steady rhythm of its steps, THUMP, THUMP. THUMP, THUMP. It comes around the corner at the far end of the hall, but all I can see is its shadow, it looks like it is dripping like slim. When it gets close enough for me to see it I see that it is covered in slim that drips from its body that is at least 15feet tall. When I look closer into the face I see that it looks just like Ash (but 15 feet tall and it is way fatter than him also). It looks like Ash had turned into a mountain giant.

        When it was a couple yards in front of me it opened its mouth. Inside it was three rows of razor sharp teeth that were mostly black but some were dark yellow. I looked back at the door and started to fling myself into it trying to get away from the horrible beast. When I realized that it was not going to open even when I was throwing all my weight into it, I turned around. It was about a foot and a half away now and was starting to bend down to me so that he could probable eat me I don’t know because right at the moment I let out a scream and was woken up by Ash.

        He was leaning over me and shaking me. He had just opened his mouth to say something when there was a bang on the door then it opened. Rebecca and Robert came barging in to the room. They each had a silver plated knife in one hand and another in the other hand, a kind of knife that I have never seen before. The blade is doubled edged with a single line of green emeralds going from big next to the hilt and small at the tip. It looked really old and fragile but dangerous from the way that Rebecca is holding it.

            “What’s wrong? We heard screaming, what happened?” She panted.

            “Nothing, it was a bad dream. Don’t worry about it.” She looked really worried when I said that I had just been a bad dream, it was like she was struggling not to come over to the bed and kick Ash out and comfort me.

            “So nothing was trying to get you or anything it was just a bad dream?” Rebecca looked unconvinced but they lowered the daggers and seamed to relax a little.

            “Yes, and I am fine I just need to go back to sleep and hope that it don’t come back. Good night,” I said and rolled over. When I heard the door shut I role back over so that I can see Ash’s face.

        I stare at Ash's face and see that its getting closer to mine. He's going to kiss me! I have never been kissed before so I don't know what to do, do I just stay still or do I lean in also? He brings his hands up to my face, one on either side slowly he leans in farther till his lips barely touch mine. I cant help myself and I lean into the kiss so our lips are fully touching, he is gentle but not to gentle. He moves his lips off of mine and down my neck making me moan. He roles over and puts me on top, I lean down and start to kiss his neck and work my way up to his jaw. I feel a tug at the hem of my shirt. Slowly he brings it up and over my head and throws it some where in the room. Next thing that I know is that he is on top of me kissing my neck and jaw. 

        Not realizing what I am doing I pull off his shirt and also throw it, not paying attention to where it went. Ash slowly scoots down so that he is straddling my legs and brings his lips down in between  my boobs making a trail of small kisses down my stomach to my bellybutton, moving his hands down he slides my shorts off so that I am only in my black bra and matching panties. He stands up next to the bed and takes off his sweats leaving him in just his boxers, then he climbs back on the bed and starts to kiss me from where he left off at my bellybutton back up to my breasts. When Ash slips his hands behind my back to undo my bra, I finally realize that I am only in my bra and undies and that if he takes my bra off then that would probably lead to sex and im not sure that im ready for that yet. 

        "Um Ash?" I ask quality.

        "Ya?" I hear him mumble.

        "I'm not ready," I say so quite that i don't think he heard me, but when I feel him move his hands and puts them by my sides i know that he did.

        "That's ok. I'm not going to force you to do something that you don't want to do. If you are not ready then nothing more than this is going to happen till you are. Ok?" he asks.

        "Yeah, that sounds great. Im really tired maybe we should go to sleep?"

        "that sounds good. Im going to go and go to the bathroom, be back in a little," I watch him as he puts on his sweats and picks up his shirt and walk out.

        Soon after that I get up and put my cloths back on and lay back down. Not long after my head comes down on my pillow i am asleep and i don't even know when Ash comes back into the room.

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