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The first thing I see when I wake is his beautiful face looking at me, watching me, keeping me safe from my bad dreams that I didn’t have. He looks like he has been up all night, just looking after me, watching me, just like he said right before I went to sleep.

            “How did you sleep?” he asks with that beautiful shy smile of his.

            “Great, were you up all night? You shouldn’t have stayed up all night on my account you know,” I give him a smile of my own.

            “I said that I would watch you and wake you if you looked like you were having a bad dream and I was only keeping my promise and you looked so peaceful when you were asleep. So peaceful that I couldn’t take my eyes off of you. When you sleep you look like you are in another world of some kind, like it was, I don’t know, some world that is out of this world. So peaceful. So calm. So happy,” his smile grew bigger as he said this and he made me feel that all the stuff that had happened in the last couple of days not even existed.

            “I still think you should have slept, because you look like a ghost, like you haven’t slept in days,” I say while I flip back the blanks and put my feet on the cold floor. “What’s for breakfast?” I yawn.

            “Yeah, well, I just can’t help it you are just so beautiful when you are asleep. Let’s go see what’s in the kitchen,” he grabs my hand and drags me after him out the door and into the hall towards, what I think is, the kitchen. This house is smaller than the other one that we were just in, but it is still really big.

            “Hey, you never answered my question about where we are. I would really like to know.” I say with a smile.

            In one of the cupboards we find pancake mix in another we find canned fruit. In the refrigerator there is milk and pudding. We make pancakes and have fruit and a glass of milk to go along with everything else. And to my surprise Ash isn’t a bad cook, I have never known a boy who could cook so well.

            “That was SO good. Where did you learn to make pancakes so well?” I ask because I know that I would never be able to cook that well.

            He gave a little laugh then said, “I don’t know I just fallowed the recipe. Have you ever had pancakes?” he asked

            “No, I have only had pancakes once, and my parents weren’t very good cooks. After that I never had any others, and I thought they were awful but you make really great pancakes the best I have ever had.” I say with a little laugh.

            “Well I guess that isn’t saying much since they were probable burned or something like that, right?” he laughed when he said it.

            “Yeah they were black like coal. And they tasted really bad too. But I guess since they were burned they wouldn’t taste that well anyways,” I laugh, “But yours, well, they are great!”

            “Well I don’t know what to say,” he gives me a smile and its one of the first that I have seen on him that actually reached his eyes, his beautiful ice berg blue eyes, so, so beautiful, “I guess all I can say is thank you thank you very much. You are so very sweet.”

            I smile and in the sweetest voice I say, “Ah thank you, you’re very sweet also. Especially since you want to help me stay safe.”

            “Talking about that, where do you think we should start to try to find out who wants to kidnap you?”

            “You’re the masterminded here, where do you think we should start?” I ask.

            “Well, maybe we should start thinking on people who might want you dead or have a grudge on you?”

            “Um, no I don’t think so. I mean there are my parents but I don’t think they would pay someone to kidnap me,” I think for a little while then it hits me, “A couple of years ago my parents told me that I was adopted and that I came from a family that was always away and never took care of me. They would take trips and not take me they would leave me alone all by myself. I had been staying home by myself from when I was baby till I was three and that was when I was taken away by child service. Maybe they are getting someone to track me down and take me back to them. Do you think they are the ones putting me in this mess?”

            “Maybe, do you know what they did on their trips? Maybe they have a big secret and they are trying to find you so that you can carry it on, or maybe they are the ones who called the child service and now they want you back so they could train you into being a spy or a huntress.”

            Where on Earth does he come up with this stuff? I thought “No I don’t know where they went I was only two or three when they went and they never told me anything. But you may be right they could be looking for me so that they could teach me something or maybe I have some secret power that I don’t know about, and the only way to find out is to find them before they find me. But where do we start?” I asked.

            “Well we could hack into the adoption agency and see if we could find out who they are. But the only problem is I am not a hacker and I don’t know how or who could do it,” he says with the smile long gone off his face.

            “Well I have a little experience if with hacking but just minor stuff like hacking into a teachers computer a couple of times and I have also hacked into the FBI and a couple other national websites, just little stuff like that,” I say and when I see the surprised expiration on his face I add, “It was only once and I was board so I when onto some websites and started snooping around… oh and the CSI but that was it I swear.”

            “You call that a little?! That’s like, I don’t know, a lot of experience! Where did you learn?” he asked as we walk back in the room and sit on the bed.

            “I don’t know I just did it and yeah that is what I call just a little experience. Anyway just get me a computer and I’ll do my best ok?” I say with just a little bit of anger in my voice.

            “Whatever you say. I’ll just go get the laptop and then you can start whatever you have to do to get answers we need,” then he left to go get the laptop.

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