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We stayed up and kept each other company all night by talking and eating food. We sit side by side with our backs to the wall and the blanket over our laps. After a while we fall asleep and sleep the night away and part of the morning.

            When I wake the room is full of light and not like what I though it looked like last night.  I guess that it is around noon and I am also really hungry. “Wake up, wake up sleepy head.” I say as I gently shake him by the shoulder.

            ”What time is it?” He asks as he sits up and wipes the sleep from his eyes. His hair is messed up and he doesn’t look as well put together as he did last night while we were talking and laughing.

            “I don’t know. I don’t have a watch and there is no clock in this room. But I think it’s about noon.” I say with a yawn. “Are you hungry? Because I am.”

            “I’m starving. We should go down stairs and get some breakfast!” he says as he gets up. “I don’t usually do this, sleep in the same bed as other people that is.”

            I laugh “Neither do I.” I laugh some more, “Let’s go get some breakfast.” I say while I stretch.

            “Let’s race.” He says

            “No for two reasons, one, it’s unfair because I have not been out of this room and don’t know where to go, two, you are faster than me, and three, I don’t feel like running. Let’s walk or you could run and I could fallow.” I say and I am happy that I have such a good friend that I can talk to and have fun with.

            “That’s three.” I look at him with a hard face trying not to smile “Just saying and I think I like your suggestion” he adds with a smile.

            As we walk I think about my life before this thing happened and that I went from not having any friends and barley got along with my parents. So when I was able to move out and I did and how I have never saw my parents again. That’s a sad life to live.

            “What are you thinking about Sky?” Ashton asks

            “Sorry, what? I didn’t hear you, I was thinking. I’m sorry.” I say not noticing that he called me Sky.

            “I asked you what you were thinking about. And its ok it happens to me all the time,” he says with a smile.

            “I was thinking about my life before all this happened,” I make gesture around me, “And did you call me Sky? It’s ok if you did it’s just as long as I can call you Ash?” I ask more to be funny than really wanting to call him that.

            “Sure I like would like that. If you don’t mind me asking, what your life was like before all this was happened?” he paused, “You don’t have to tell me or talk about it if you don’t want to but I am here when you do if ever.” After a moment he added, “Here is the kitchen. What do you want to eat?” He asks.

            After thinking for a moment I said. “Umm, I don’t know, what do you have? And I don’t mind talking about it, my life before I mean, just not right now.”

            “Well let’s see, there are eggs that I can make, oatmeal, pancakes­­, I don’t like pancakes because of the texture but if you like them we can have them. We also have hash browns, and cereal. And you can tell me whenever you want or never….” He stops talking when a man that looks like he is early to mid-forties comes into the kitchen. “Dad this is Sky I mean Skyler she is the one that I told you about that I saved from that unknown man in the black trench coat. And Sky this is my father. The one, the only, John Ridgewood.” He says it like he is on a show and is introducing as if he were walking onto stage, “Father, we were just going to have breakfast, care to join us?” While they talked about John joining all I do is stare at Ash’s eyes and all I could see in them is the terror. But why would he be terrified of his own father?  That thought went around and around in my head. Maybe his father is a person who hurt him to teach him a lesson when he was a young child? I don’t know, but what I do know is that no child should look at their parent like that I don’t even do that with my parents.

            “I think that I should take you both out for brunch. What do you say son, care to accompany me to brunch with your girlfriend?” He asks with a very scary smile on his face.

            “I don’t think we are up to brunch out, sorry father. Also, she is not my girlfriend she is a girl that is a friend and we have only just met.” Ash says to his father who has even more of a smile on his face. That smile makes me sick to my stomach like I might barf.

            “Yes that sounds good to me.” I say hoping my voice doesn’t show how scared and worried I am.

            “Very well then I will see you after my brunch and I hope to speak to you in private when I get back, Ashton.” With that he turns on his heel and walks out of the room and there is a sigh of relief when we hear the door click shut.

            “Ash what’s wrong? What did he do to you?” I ask not knowing if I have crossed a boundary or how he will react “You don’t have to tell me and as you have said we have just met and all, but you feel like the closes friend that I have ever had and I even feel closer to you than my own parents. I know that that makes me sound crazy and all but I am just telling you the truth and I feel that all friendships should have a base of truth and trust.” I say. I wait a couple of minutes then when he doesn’t answer I turn and start back the way we came towards my room.

            He starts running to catch up with me and when he does he say, “You’re right all friendships should be based on trust and honesty, And I am really hungry so why don’t you come back and help me make something to eat, how does eggs and French toast sound? And after we get done, why don’t we go back upstairs and I will tell you what happened, but only if you tell me what happened to you.” He says with a smile that is so sweet and pleading that I forget everything and go back with him to help him make brunch.

mystries of magic (soon to be rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now