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Part 2 of chaper 12:

"Fine you win!" I yell. "Haha!" Star yells. "I fuckin won!!" I nod and turn around and see techno come over with drinks and sits next to his daughter, star. "Who won." He asks. "She did." I say. Techno giggles and stops when he sees snowie come over. Snowie sits beside me and
Speaks into my ear. "Jade knows?" I ask. Techno looks confused and his daughter pulls him toward a random arcade machine.
"Yes. And so does all 3 of her children." She says. "Now we can finally get those 3 innocent girls to do our dirty work." She tells me. "So, all they need to do, is find out lamars intentions of being a rooftoper, they tell us, we come up with a plan to sabotage him, and wala! He's no longer a rooftoper, and he wont talk to ashy again." I got excited when snowie mentioned the part of asher. I actually like it. Plus, I already have a sabotage method. He said he once defeated a shark, which the girls believed. So lets see if he can handle a REAL shark hehe. I stare and daydream..snowie looks at me weirdly and then walks away. My girlfriend ashydesadllama shows up and kisses me on the cheek, breaking up my daydreaming.

"Hey bae" she tells me."im on break." She says. "Ooo at that new fancy restaurant?" I ask. "Yeah." She says. Then I take the time to remember that the restaurant is like 30 mins from nc. "So whaddya doin here?" I ask. "Oh did I say break, I mean I got FUCKIN FIRED" she tells me. My eyes grow wide. "How???" I ask. "I took the meatball machine and ruined the fuckin place."
"Anywayyy..." I try to break the awkwardness. "Where are you gonna work now??" I ask. "Here actually. " she says." Im gonna work at seaworldcraft." She tells me. Then I spark up a plan. "Do you think you could get us some tickets to come? When I mean us I mean all of us rooftopers?" I ask. "Ooo! That'll be fun!" She says. Then she kisses me and says she'll try to get the tickets. I sure hope so. This is the perfect plan...lets see how lamar acts around a fuckin shark. How tough are you buddy boy?

Ok so i've officialy hit a drawing block so I probably won't be able to update get to know meh yet. But anyway, how dI'd you enjoy this chapter? Comment and star please!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2016 ⏰

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