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My alarm woke me up at 6am. I slowly got out of bed and went to take a shower. I got dressed in a white button down shirt and I squeezed into a black pencil skirt because my belly getting big. I got my black red bottoms. My lucky heels. I put on a little makeup and went downstairs to have a quick breakfast and take my vitamins.  

"Mommy" I heard Katherine say 

I turned and saw Katherine walk in the kitchen 

"Kathy it's too early to be up" I said 

"Where you going mommy" 

"I have to go to court so go back to bed" 

"Okay" She went back upstairs 

I saw it was 6:45 and I had to leave. I took the 45 minutes drive to courthouse. Then I got ready for the trial. This trial is for a drug dealer with drug charges and murder charges. I watched as Nikki came out in his orange suit. 

"Case number 1256 people vs Nikki Martin Five count on drug possessions two counts of first degree murder" The officer said 

"Amount of bail" The judge asked 

"Remand your honor The defeated is clearly a danger to people around him" I said 

"Your honor Mr Martin has a newborn son and he would" The judge cut off the lawyer 

"The defend is remand until the trial day Next case" The judge said 

"You done you better watch your back" Nikki said add he was dragged out of the court room. 

I had to go to the office and get everything ready for trial. I spend all day in the office. 

"Stephanie wanna take a break" Jasmin asked 

"No why" I took my glasses off 

"You look stressed out we been on this since 10am and it's 6 now I'll finish this go home is not health for the baby" 

"No I'll do it and email to you"  

"No I'm good" 

"I am telling you this Go home be with your kids" 

"Yeah I should go" I started getting my stuff together 

"Okay I'll email to you it's Friday go home have fun this weekend with your kids We got this on Monday"

"Thank you" I got up and left the office 

I drive home and I opened the door and saw Craig sitting in the living room with ask the kids watching a movie 

"Hi mommy" They all said 

"Hi" I said 

I walked upstairs. Craig got up and went upstairs. 

"You didn't go to work today" I asked as I took my jewelry off 

"No I took the night shift so I'm leave at 9:30" Craig said 

"Oh" I took off my skirt and heels 

"Happy anniversary" He hugged me 

Shit I forgot .-. 

"Happy anniversary" I said 

He gave me a little box. I opened out and see a charm bracelet. It has 7 charms. 

"The two little girl are Katherine and Kalila Them the two boys are Khalil and Aayden, The little baby is this pregnancy and it's blue because it's going to be a boy" I laughed with Craig "Then the suitcase represent you being a lawyer and the heart represent your big heart" 

I smiled at him "Don't think I forgot your gift still at the store and I just forgot to pick it up" 

"You forgot didn't you" 

"What no" I lied 

"Stephanie I know when you are lying" 

"Okay I forgot but I'll make it up to you" 

"No you been stress out with work and this pregnancy it's okay" He looks hurt 

"Okay" I'm gonna make it up some how 

"I'm go finish watch the movie with the kids" He went downstairs 

I changed to shorts and a big t shirt. I went to the kitchen and made dinner. I had little Kalila helping me. I set the table up and we had a family dinner then Craig had to leave for work. He gave each kid a kiss on the forehead and went to work. 

Craig POV

*After a couple of hours*

I was at my desk throwing paperballs at Bridget. 

"Keep Messing with me I'll get your wife on you" She laughed

"Yeah whatever" I laughed hitting her in the head

"Patrol need at 243 Washington Ave" I heard from my radio.

"We'll talk it" Bridget said

We got in the car and drove to the location. We slowly looked around the area then moved in the house. I quickly saw blood everywhere. I went upstairs as Bridget search downstairs searching for anyone. I found a blood body of a woman on the bed. I check her heartbeat. She was dead. I check the other room and it was two young children shot in the head. I heard soft sobs. I check the closet and found a toddler maybe just 3 crying silently. 

"Come out I'm not gonna hurt you" I said kneeing dwn

He was cover in blood. He slowly walked to me and hugged me. I took him downstairs.

"Sucide Man found dead outside in the backyard with gun in his hand" Bridget said "I called in for investigators to check it out"

"3 dead bodies upstairs I'm guess wife and 2 kids and He was in the closet when all this happen" I said

"What your name" Bridget asked him

"Trey" He said softly

I heard siren outside. I'm guess ambulance. I went outside and paramedics check out Trey. I was talking to my chief as I saw them take out each body. I imagine if that was really my family. 

"I think you should go home to your wife and kids" My chief said "I'm giving you tomorrow off"

"Okay" I said

I did the drive home and all I could think of is that family. What if that was my family? I got home and I went in to each kid room. They all was sound asleep. I kissed their forehead and went to the next. I went into the bedroom and I took off my shirt. I sat down on the bed. 

"How was work" Stephanie asked while standing in the doorway of the bathroom in her silk night gown. 

I got up and I hugged her tight

"You know I love you right" I said

"Yes and I love you too" She said hugging me back

I gave her a kiss "You and the kids are my lives and I'll do anything to protect you guys"

"I know that"

"I just want to make sure you know that and this little bundle of joy too" I placed my hand on her stomach "Who is going to be a boy"

She smiled "Nope a girl" She went to bed

"It's gonna be a boy I feel it" I said

"You can feel all you want it's a girl" She said laying down

"Its a boy" I yelled right before I got in the shower

"No ass crack its a girl" She yelled

I loved taht girl too much

A Good Life (Sequel to A Good Man)Where stories live. Discover now