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*Next Day*

I dropped the kids at school then I had Mina and I went to the police station Craig works at.

"Hey Stephanie you seen Craig he's not here" Dwayne said

"He's not" My worries are true "Then he's missing Yesterday around 4 I went to pick up the kids then I came home and Mina was just left on the floor crying and no Craig"

"Wanna file a missing person report"

"Yes" I said so fast

So I made the missing person report and they send out police officers to look for him. Then the news got the report Mindless Behavior Leader Sing Prodigy have gonna missing. Now everybody knows I hope I can find him.

Craig POV

I wake up with blur vision in a dark room. My vision cleared up and I saw I was tied to a chair. There was duck tape around my mouth. 

"Aww you finally woke up" I knew that voice

I saw Amber walk to me. She was grinning.

"I saw you married that hoe" She had my wedding band "Why Craig we could have be happy together"

I couldn't say anything. Why is she doing this to me?

"How bout my son Aayden huh I was the one who brought him to the wonder" She had a knife in her hand "You took him away from me" 

She stabbed my right in my thigh. Through the duck tape I screamed in pain

"You should be happy I only took you I could of took your daughter Mina too and killed her right in front of you" I saw the evilness in her eyes "But I didn't"

She paced back and forth "You know what else is funny" She laughed "You thinking I'm crazy Maybe but 2 years I haven't seen my son He thinking that bitch is his mother NO I'm his mother"

I had tears in my eyes. I want to be home. I want my little girls in my arms. I want Stephanie soothing touch. Please I hope I get to live to see another day with my family.

A Good Life (Sequel to A Good Man)Where stories live. Discover now