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Stephanie POV

*week later*

I sat at home worried so much. Even cried alittle. The kids are asking me where's daddy and what's wrong. I just told them He went somewhere me not knowing where and that he'll be home soon. I hope he's not hurt. I swear when I find who did this I'm gonna kill them. I swear to god I will. Thenthe doorbell rang. I answered it and it was Rayan. I haven't seen him in a while.

"The news is true Craig gone missing" He said

"Yeah" Some tears escaped my eyes

He hugged me. Then the doorbell rang. I went to answer it and it was Jacob.

"Stephanie is it true Craig really gone missing" He asked

I nod. He hugged me too. We was talking then Chresanto came asking the same thing with Jakara then my phone rang. An unknown number. I answered it

"Hello" I answered

"Aww little Stephanie is sad she can't see her little Craig" I heard Amber laugh

"What the fuck you want" I asked angrily

"Someone wanna say something to you" She giggled "Say Hi to Stephanie"

"Stephanie help" I heard Craig fainted voice

"What the fuck you done to him" I said

"Awww don't be mad I just wanna one thing and that's it"

"What is that" 

"Aayden my son"

"What you can't be serious"

"Oh but I am Say bye Craig"

"Stephanie I love you and the kids don't forget" Then she hung up

Anger just filled my whole body. So angry tears ran down my face.

"What happened" Jakara said

"I'm so gonna kill her right now" I marched upstairs and I went in the little safe in my bedroom and I got Craig handgun. I loaded it. Jakara came upstairs.

"Stephanie who you gonna kill: She asked

"Amber aka Aayden real mother and Craig ex. She kidnapped him" I said check the gun

"Shouldn't you call the cops first You don't know how crazy she is" 

"She don't know my East New York side" I put the gun in my waist band "You gonna help me or what"

"You know I got your back" 

I grabbed the tape for my hands and wrapped my hands. If I'm gonna fight got to do it right. Then tied my hair up. Ain't no hoe or bitch gonna take my husband like that If that bitch hurt him She gonna get 100x worse. I went downstairs. 

"I'm gonna need you three to watch the 5 little angels upstairs" I said

"Why" Rayan said

"Just do it we'll be back" Jakara said

We left and went in my car.

"You know where we going" Jakara asked

"This bitch house she is an idiot I know he has to be there" I said as I started to drive

Someone gonna die tonight

A Good Life (Sequel to A Good Man)Where stories live. Discover now