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Stephanie POV

I got up by my alarm at 6:30. I got out of bed and went to bathroom. I took my shower and got dressed in my pink suit. Yeah it still fits with my pregnant belly. I then got Katherine, Khalil and Aayden up and got them ready for school. I went downstairs and Craig is still asleep. I made breaksfast and fed the kids

"Mommy why daddy sleeping on the couch" Aayden asked

"Daddy disappoint Mommy yesterday so that's his punishment" I said

"What he do" Katherine asked

"Grown stuff" I said

I got the kids in the car then I went back in the house. I went back in the house and I took a glass of cold water and threw it on Craig to wake him up. 

"Kalila is upstairs asleep So wake up" I said

Then I walked out the house to the car. I drove the kids to school then I went to court. Another day in court.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6pm

I got home with a boat load of work. I got home and I have a little office in the house so I was there. I was typing up some stuff then I saw Craig in the doorway. 

"Stephanie can we talk" He said

"No I'm working I said"

"Why you threw water on me this morning" 

I ignore him and continue walking. He walked to my desk and closed my laptop.

"I'm talking to you" He said

"No Craig I was wait for you because I wanted to repay you for me forgetting our anniverisary but you didn't come home Where the fuck was you and you could call me I was worried about you but you can't call anyone" I said in his face

"Sorry I didn't know that I would have be home if I knew"

"Where the fuck was you"

"I was at the bar bec-" I cut him off

"I fucking bar really Don't talk to me" I opened my computer and started working again

"You don't eve-" I cut him off again

"Don't talk to me you missed dinner with me because you was at the bar" I said


"Leave me the fuck alone" I yelled at him

He walked out of the room. I just continue doing work.

Craig POV

There no point of arguing. Two reason. One- She pregnant. Two- She PREGNANT. Her hormones are coco so there's no point to argue or I'll come home to changed locks again. i got to work. Too much to deal with at home

I know sucky chapter but Its gonna be better

A Good Life (Sequel to A Good Man)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz