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Stephanie POV

~3 months later~

"I'm gonna bust you ass" I said as I walked from Jasmin"s car

"Hey don't be mad because I said the truth" He yelled from the car

"You are mean" I yelled from my door then I closed it.

Jasmin was just dropping me home from work. What he's just a friend. I like how Craig is so jealous of him. Its funny and adorable. I walked into Bridget which is Craig partner holding Mina in her arms. 

"Woah" I grabbed Mina quickly "Why you here and holding my baby"

"Uhh Craig ask me to hold her as he went in the kitchen to get her bottle" She said

I eyed her. Then I see Craig walk in the living room with Mina bottle and bib.

"Oh Stephanie you're home" Craig said

"Yeah Jasmin drove me home from work after getting me some lunch" I said

I say the jealousy expression in Craig face. He took Mina from my arms and fed her. 

"Where's the kids at" I said

"Packing their toys in their room" Craig said

Yeah we moving to a bigger house. Craig think he gonna get me pregnant again. Five is enough. 

"So Stephanie I heard from a little bird you are officially the new DA" Bridget said

"Yeah" Why Craig telling this hoe my business

"So you going to be working more" She said

"Yeah" Why this hoe talking to me "Uhh Craig you could cook dinner"

"Yeah I'll cook dinner Bridget would you like to stay for dinner" Craig asked her

This hoe better say no

"No I have to get home See you Craig Bye Mina" She got up "Bye Stephanie"

She walked out the door and I slammed the door shut. I looked at Craig.

"Don't bring anybody in this house when I'm not here" I said

"Don't bring no guy in my house either" He smirked at me

Oooo two can play this game. He think its funny

"So Jasmin asked me if we like to go to his house for a barbacque" I said

"No I'm not going" He said

"Okay then I can go with the kids" I smirked

"No you not going either" Craig groaned

"Whatever" I walked upstairs

"You think I'm playing I'll tie you to th bed and leave you there"  Craig yelled

Jealous looks so funny on Craig. 

I know short but I'm not update until next week

I got stuff to do so Monday I'll update

A Good Life (Sequel to A Good Man)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें