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~~~~2 weeks later~~~~

I brought my last package in the new house. Baby Mina in her carseat. Me and Craig did this whole moving while the kids are at school. I placed her on the couch and unbuckled her as she continue to sleep. We moved from Los Angles to Long Beach. A beautiful big beach house. I sat on the couch and rested. Craig picked me up.

"What are you doing" I said

"Before Mina wakes up and we have to get the others I wanna break the house in" He said as he walked upstairs

"How we gonna break the house in" 

"You gonna like it" He grinned at me as he took me to the master bedroom.

When I mean He did me so good. He did me so good. Like damn I didn't even wanted to stop but Mina started to cry. I got up and got dressed.

"Get dressed and fix up the kids room before I have to pick them up" 

"Okay give me a minute" He was bout to grab a cigarette

I throw his boxers at him "You know how I feel bout you smoking Not in this house go get the kids room ready"

"Fine" He got up

I went downstairs and picked up Mina. She now 9 months old. She just the cutest thing. I went in her diaper bag and got her bottle and fed her. Around 4 I gave Craig Mina and went to get the other 4.

"Mommy we going to the new house" Katherine asked

"Yes" I said

We went in the house and I took the kids to run upstairs and find their room. I heard Mina crying. I walked in the kitchen and see Mina sitting on the ground crying. I saw cereal threw around. I picked up Mina and rocked her. I calmed her down. 

"Craig" I yelled

"Mommy Daddy not here" I heard Aayden said

"Where is he" I said

I got my phone and called him. It rang then went to voicemail. I continue to call him and the same thing. After the 20th time I stopped and I started getting worried. Where is he He never just leave and leave Mina by herself. I hope he is okay.

A Good Life (Sequel to A Good Man)Where stories live. Discover now