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“If a Man Wants You

Nothing can keep him Away

If he doesn’t

Nothing can make him stay”


One Piece Fanfiction

      Once these people actually had their hands on me they hog tied me up and tied were my hands came together to a poll and feet. I couldn’t try and worm out because the guy who was controlling me earlier was controlling me to stay still. And his devil fruit power didn’t really make sense to me because there’s already somebody with the ability to control people.

      “What do you want with me?” I screamed hoping the others would hear me.

      They didn’t say anything, almost pretending as if they couldn’t hear me or I was speaking another language.

      These natives were all tan, and dressed about half naked with whatever materials they could get from animals on the island or big enough plants. Their hair was shaven off halfway in a Mohawk and the other half was left long. A lot of them had either tribal tattoos or big nose piercings that would even be big for a gage.

      The jungle that they carried me through seemed so confusing Zoro and Luffy would get lost in an instant. All of the markings seemed the same so that you couldn’t tell where you had just been. After what seemed like a long time of being carried they finally brought me to what seemed like the rest of their tribe. Who lived up in the trees in these enormously built tree houses, smoke was coming from a couple of their roofs. I was finally carried to the last and largest tree house at the edge of their village. They climbed up and presented me to their leader.

      Who seemed to be the fattest, and ugliest man I had ever seen. “Untie her,” he ordered.

      They set me down and untied me as the leader walked up towards me and everybody else left. “You’re just as beautiful as they said,” as I shakily stood up as he placed his hand under my chin.

      I crossed my arms covering my mostly flat chest as I looked away from this guy. “What do you want with me?” I finally choked out.

      “To marry you of course,” he answered like I was the ridiculous one.

      I gave him a pretty disgusted look. “erhmmm, that can’t really happen, see, I’m a part of,”

      “The Straw Hat pirates, yes, I already know, Mihawk D. Caroline,” he cut me off. “But I don’t think you understand,” he grabbed my chin and faced it towards him, “You are going to listen to every word I say,” his eyes grew larger as this driven instinct took over to listen to what this guy has to say. “Sit down.” He said as I did. “Stand up,” I did, as he said, “See, we can get married can’t we?”

      “What did you do to me?” I yelled at him.

      “I ate the Settoku- Settoku devil fruit, anything I tell you to do, you will do,” he told me.

      Getting furious I pushed him away from me, “You can’t do this to me!”

      “Oh, yes, yes I can,” he laughed deliriously. “Now don’t talk,”

      My mouth closed shut automatically if I tried to say something my mouth just wouldn’t open.

"Her heart is taken," a female voice said coming from behind the room we were in and she walked inside. "You're never going to be able to convince her to fall in love with you while her heart is compromised,"

"You're right, Seri, how am I supposed to get rid of him?" The guy asked.

"Her heart can't be his if he isn't alive to have it,"

"Good idea," he walked over to me and looked directly into my eyes. "Who is it that has your heart?"

I tried to keep my mouth closed but words just flowed out of my mouth like a dam that overflowed and water is spewing everywhere because there's nowhere to go.

"Roronoa Zoro."

He laughed at how simple it was for him to be getting this all his way, "Now here is what I want you to do. I want you to kill Roronoa Zoro. I don't care how you do it, just make sure he is good and dead,"

Then something came over me the thought to kill Zoro came across my mind. And it wasn't just something that I thought of doing; it was something that I was going to do.

"But don't do it where everybody can see you. I want to make this as painless as possible. Pretend like you are still the same, and once you get him alone then I want you to kill him. You may leave, but don't forget to come back,"

Then all of the sudden my legs started moving unconsciously and I started just walking back to where I knew the crew was.


We had split up into two groups to rescue Caroline. I was carrying Zoro on my back since he was still unconscious and Chopper was with Luffy, Franky and I in this first group. The other group was everybody else and they went another direction, but I'm starting to feel that we're the ones that are lost.

"Haven't we already passed that tree?" Chopper wondered.

"Probably," I answered readjusting Zoro on my back who probably weighs 190 pounds of dead weight. "Why again do I have to be the one carrying him? Franky! You're way stronger than me, why don't you take a turn?" I asked him looking over at my cyborg friend.

"I'm sorry. No can do, Olie you see yesterday I was being too 'super' and I threw out my back," he told me gesturing as if he had a sore back.

Knowing he was lying I mumbled, "If this were Robin you would do it,"

"What?" He asked again not fully hearing what I said.

"If I were throbbing you would help me," I corrected.

Then I felt Zoro breathing on my shoulder and it sent shivers down my spine and then he whispered, "Caroline, you smell really good,"

Letting go of his legs he flopped on the ground as I yelled. "That's it, I quit, I'm done. No more, no more, no more,"

"Olie," Chopper started, "you can't just drop him like that," he ran over to Zoro.

"Well I just did!" I yelled as he rolled Zoro over on his stomach. "I have had it." I stood over to Zoro and kicked him on the side. "Wake up, Caroline's gone, and we can't find her!"

"Wow," Luffy nudged over towards Franky, "looks like somebody's going a bit overboard," he started laughing.

Zoro then started coming to and sat up examined himself and all the places he got stung and the veins that were popping up.

"What? Where am I?" He wondered.

"We don't know where we are." Chopper told him truthfully.

"Wait, so what happened to Caroline again?" Zoro asked standing up looking like he felt better.

"She got taken by some natives around here, we don't know why or where they went," Luffy said looking around for some land markings but we all know that there's no point in Luffy doing that.

Zoro just stood there emotionlessly as we continued to walk forward even though there was no point since it feels like we've been going in circles. I bet the other group, with Nami, they probably have already found Caroline.

"Hey look guys I can see Sanji!" Luffy yelled from stretching his head up above the trees. "Whoooo this island is big! Hey! I see some tree houses over there, do you think that’s where she is.”

“Yah,” Franky started as he walked over towards Luffy, “What direction are they?”

“Reft?” Luffy answered confused.

“Luffy, REFT! Isn’t a direction,” I yelled.

It pointed his finger out west, “That way,”

“Good, let’s get going,” Zoro told us once Chopper finished rebandaging him up.

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