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“Don’t be afraid of death, be afraid of an unlived life

You don’t have to live forever

You just have to live-” Natalie Babbit, Tuck Everlasting


One Piece Season 5

      Nate and I were climbing up the town’s electrical plant. “If we can get it to direct towards England then it should electrocute him easy,” Nate told me as we were towering the thousands of metal steps. Once he reached the top of the plant Nate tells me, “I’ve got it from here, Olie go back and tell the others. Make sure Luffy isn’t around him before I hit him or else it’ll deflect off.”

      “Did you seriously make me come all the way up here so that you could tell me that?” I asked becoming a little bit pissed.

      Nate answered looking around all of the buttons and mechanical work, “It builds character, and I wanted to see if I could rewire this all by myself, but now I know what I’m doing. Go,”

      Sure, it builds character, sure. I told myself flying down the steps being sure not to fall through. When I eventually got down I ran back to the harbor to see Luffy still trying to take this guy on. Looking around I noticed my village was in peril, and it was all in the hands of these pirates, because all of our so called “warriors” were too scared to fight England’s Pirates. I found Nami and my sister hiding behind a couple of cargo crates watching Luffy.

      “Look who decided to wake up,” I announced walking by Caroline and standing next to her and Nami.

      “Well, thanks for waking me up,” she smiled fakely, “How’d this all happen anyways,”

      Watching Luffy go head first into some of England’s water attacks, I told, “In the morning, we could hear all the commotion, about there being pirates attacking, and Ussop, their sniper, told us it was Edward England’s crew; who they distressed so Nate and I got ready, and we couldn’t wake you up so we just left you. Hoping you and Maurice would get eaten by pirates,”

      Caroline went, “Any ideas on how we’re going to take this guy down?”

      “Nate’s working on it right now,” I told her, “We need to get Luffy away from him so that he doesn’t reflect the electricity.” I ran up towards where they were fighting on the cobblestone. “Luffy!” I yelled quickly getting an idea, I ran up towards Luffy trying to swing a punch at England. I picked him up saying, “Sorry, I need to get you away from England for a sec, Caroline’ll explain,” I threw Luffy towards the crates Caroline and Nami were hiding behind in front of a building. I looked up at England, “Sorry looks like you’re fighting me now,” Looking up at the power plant I desperately watched for Nate’s signal we didn’t agree on. Getting blasted with water before I could even look for Nate, I skid across the ground. I pulled myself together by getting up. “Can you even give me a chance?” I asked charging at him grabbing a hold of his arm as I tried to twist it; it turned into liquid in my hands and melted right through. Before I could look up at the tower again I got blasted with water once again. But I could tell Nate was working on the power plant, I could also see him redirecting some metal rods.

      I turned my head to the harbor to see Marine boats moving in. “Just what we need,” I cursed as I started screaming over towards Luffy and Nami, “We’ve got Marine company,” Watching Luffy and Nami book it, I noticed England was trying to get away as well. “Ahh, no you don’t,” I stood right in front of him making the lamest attempt to block him. Hearing an enormous clash I looked up at the power plant tower and saw Nate directing a metal rod towards England. A huge electric watt made a beeline at England. Bolting away I knew I didn’t want to be shocked.

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