New Beginnings

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As I ran I could feel my feet throbbing the cuts on them bleeding as I ran through the woods white t-shirt snagging on every branch feet being gashed on every stone. I felt like I was going to collapse as I broke from the woods and came to a large building. As I tried to climb the stairs I heard the door creak open as my knees buckled and I collapsed on the steps and blacked out.

When I woke up I was in a room with a boy sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for me to wake up.

"Well, well. Look who decided to wake up? I'm Rouge, Rouge Cheney. What's your name?"

"I-Iris, I-I think?" I said as I tried to remember I realized all my memories were foggy and I couldn't remember anything accept my name.

"You think? What, do you not know your own name? As of now you're my responsibility so don't make any stupid mistakes. Welcome to Sabertooth." As he said this he stood up and walked out of the room leaving me to my confusion. I stood to realize that I was no longer wearing only a tattered white t-shirt, I was wrapped in a long black t-shirt that went past my knees. Hanging on the back of the dark maple door was and outfit left for me. It was a black graphic t-shirt with a green dragon on the front and a pair of knee length shorts. I slipped on the outfit and began brushing my long brown hair. I slipped it into a high pony tail I found in the drawer of the vanity and slid on the black and purple jacket on the back of the door. I was going to go out side the room when I heard the loud voice of a younger man. Panicking I sat back on the bed wide eyed and terrified.

"Hey, so your name is Iris right. Wow you cleaned up nice. I'm sting, you've met rouge. I'm the master of this guild and I'd like to ask you some question." He said stunning you. How could someone so you get be the master of such a big popular guild. When the first guy told me this was Sabertooth, all I could think was that this might as well be a dark guild cause I was dead.

"Thanks, I-I'm sorry but for a guild that's supposed to be so mean and scary you two are awfully nice." I said completely confused by their kind nature.

"That was a long time ago, ever since the grand magic games when I became guild master Sabertooth has completely changed we aren't the same guild we used to be." Explained the enthusiastic male in front of me.

"I think I understand now. But why did you help me?" I asked, they didn't know me, I could've been a serial killer, how would they know?

"We couldn't just leave you out there how you were you would've died. You were covered in cuts and bruises and you had a gash the side of hair brush on your arm. You would've bled out." He said looking me over in confusion.

"Speaking of which what happened to all of your wounds?" Asked Rouge from the corner he sat in starring at me.

"I...I'm not sure?" I said. I can't tell them the truth, if I did that they'd send me back to that place again.

"Well if your all better now you should come meet the other members of our guild." Said Sting enthusiastically.

"I-I guess." I said standing up and almost immediately being dragged out of the room and into a large guild hall bustling with people.

"Is this the same new girl you picked up on the stairs the other day? You fix up nicely." Said a man with long golden hair wearing a large red hat as he bent to kiss the back of my hand and I pulled away still very not used to other human contact.

"Please don't touch me." I said in a small plain voice backing away a couple steps only to run into a very large man with mint green hair and a headband.

"Oof, careful don't wanna hurt yourself do you?" He said towering over me as I backed up once again straight into Rogue. I tried to step away when he placed his hands on my shoulders keeping me where I stood pressed against him.

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