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My eyes flew open and I sat up in the blink of an eye as pain suddenly shot through my stomach.

"Iris! No, no, no, lie back down your wounds haven't healed in the slightest."

"W-what, how long was I out." I said lying back and holding my head when to my surprise Rogue bent down and wrapped his arms around me and held me close.

"I'm so sorry Iris, I shouldn't have pushed you to tell me I feel horrible. If I wouldn't have done that you wouldn't have gotten taken away from m-us." He said not wanting to let go.

"Rogue I'll be fine it wasn't your fault they were tracking me, they were always there they gave me a chip that tracked me and hooked into my nervous system so they could see and hear everything I did." I tried to back away but Rogue just wouldn't let go. I was about to speak again when I suddenly felt a trail of hot tears drop down my back.

"Promise me you'll never do anything like that again, I don't know what I'd do if I had lost you. You may not think so but I-I need you Iris. After all this time I'm not sure what I'd do without you." He said letting go and looking to the ground blushing.

"Rogue?" That was all I could say as I used what little power I had available to heal my wounds and stand up to face him.

"Iris how'd you..."

"I guess you didn't get much information before I ran off, I trust you, so I'll tell you, and only you. Don't make me regret this." I said sitting him down and doing exactly what I'd wanted to do for so long I told him everything. I didn't leave out a single detail, he didn't say a word him and Frosch sat there in silence listing to everything. When I would tear up or start to shake Frosch would silently creep into my lap and Rouge would wrap his arms around me and hold me close to his chest.

"I think I get it now, so those people were bounty hunters for this Jurack guy who owns a Nephi farm that you were put on when your orphanage keeper turned you in after you were kidnapped but escaped and they kidnapped you because you were a Nephi and because they had dirt on your parents whom you don't know who they are. Right?" He said with a desperate smile.

"Hit the nail on the head." I said with a slight smile.

"Fro thinks so too." Said Frosch who was still in my lap almost asleep.

"I'm glad you told me." He said kindly wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into and embrace.

"R-Rogue I..." I was cut off by him lightly making me look at him and he leaned in and gently pressed his lips against mine. A jolt of shock shot through my body as he deepened the kiss and parted.

"Iris, I-I love you." He said quietly as he looked right into my eyes and smiled.

"I-I." Was all I could stutter as I blushed wildly and looked down at Frosch who was now lukily sound asleep in my lap.

"Hey, Rogue there's someone here to see you he says he knows you from somewhere. His voice sounds familiar but he's wearing a cape so I can't tell." Said Sting poking his head in the room with a smile.

"I'll be right there." He said standing up and heading for the door. I picked up Frosch careful not to wake him up and followed.

"Who do you think it is?" I asked curiously stepping to his done with a smile as I pulled a small box of strawberry pockies from my jacket pocket and stuffed on in my mouth.

"Don't know only one way to find out I guess." He said opening the door and stopping dead in his tracks. There was a man dressed all in black with piercings all over his body. He was scattered with scars and wore a serious face and the guild mark of the fairy.

"Fairy Tail." Whispered in shock as he stared at me as if he had heard. That smell, he did hear he's another dragon slayer just like Sting and Rogue.

"Gajeel? What are you doing here?" He asked with a smirk as if they were all friends. No something was wrong he had a dragon slayer scent like Rouge and Sting but it's a familiar one. If this is Gajeel Redfox iron dragon slayer than something's not right.

"I need your help follow me." He said in a plain tone as he turned and started down the steps. I followed closely to rogue but I had a bad feeling about this. Wait no that scent I know it, he's one of Jurack's bounty hunters. Gilsonite the illusionary dragon slayer. As I realized this I turned to go back to the guild only to realize we were already trapped in one of his illusions. They were different for everyone, I turned back to Rogue and couldn't find him.

"Gilsonite! You bastard here's where I have the advantage your magics weakness is awareness and I know this is an illusion." I yelled at the illusion faded and I saw Gilsonite standing there holding a still entranced Rogue by the collar of his cloak.

"I would think twice about what you do next. You scream, I kill him, you run, you attack, I kill you both. The only way for both of you to come out of this alive is if you put down the cat and...oof." As I stood there petrified Rouge broke from his illusion and punched Gilsonite into the stomach causing him to drop the dagger being held to his neck.

"You made a big flaw in your magic, Skiadrum died a long time ago and I seen him for the last time only a few months before meeting Iris. Game over buddy." He said holding him up by the neck and throwing him up against a tree and, with me, running back inside.

"Rogue how did you break the illusion?" I asked.

"I heard you, and then I saw Skiadrum and knew it was too good to be true so I simply opened my eyes and struck.

"What happened I heard screaming?" Asked sting stepping out of the guild.

"The man was not who he said he was." That was the only answer he gave him before he walked me to my room after the long day as the sun set.

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