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Waking up the next day we told the rest of the guild members we were heading to the council and to keep an eye out for anyone not in our guild. We started off for what we thought would be an uneventful journey to the council building. We made it to the train station and boarded heading to the town.

"Are you excited, we get to tell the council about the illegal ranching. All your friends are gonna be let go? Those men will be put on trial, they will go to jail, and you won't ever have to be afraid of them ever again." Said Rogue sitting next to me trying to comfort me as I sat I t the seat shaking.

"Hey Iris wait up!" I hear a familiar voice yell.

"N-no way, how are you still here, Fuyu!" I yelled standing up wrapping my arms around my old friend.

"Hey I thought it was you Iris." He said as he began rapidly blinking. I was confused as I began to remember the little communication method we made up on the ranch. As I repose I began blinking back to tell him I understood. He sat down across from me and Rogue and began to explain in our blinking method.

"I was trying to escape to find you at the meet up spot like we said when they fought me and Jurack injected me with a tracking device that taps into my sight and sound. They wanted me to capture you but like hell in gonna do that I want help getting this thing out of my arm and then we can talk." He said point in at a small bump in his arm.

"This might hurt." Said Rogue pulling out a small knife and poking it lightly into his arm making an incision just big enough to pull the tracker out and crush it on the train.

"T-thanks." He said grasping his arm and healing.

"Wait your a Nephi too?" Asked Rogue stunned as Fuyu removed his hand to see noting left.

"Yeah, I was on the ranch with Iris."  He explained with a smile as he looked at me and laughed.

"I'm glad you aren't a greedy asshole like some of the other Nephis I know." I said with a laugh as the train began to move. Both me and Fuyu had never been on a train before so we were confused. I looked to Rogue to ask what was happening only to find him hunched over sick.

"What's wrong with him?" Asked Fuyu looking at me with eyes wide.

"Rogue is your motion sickness acting up again?" I asked patting on his back lightly at attempt to console him.

"Oh motion sickness I can help with that." Said Fuyu reaching in his back and pulling out a small bottle.

"What it that." I said confused.

"It's a potion give him a few drops of this and he won't have to deal with motion sickness ever again." Explained Fuyu as Rogue looked up and grabbed to bottle taking the deport and squirting three drops into his mouth.

"Where did you get that?" Rogue asked stunned.

"You don't want to know."

"I asked didn't I? I've got some friends that could really use something like that."

"You really want to know?" Said Fuyu as if warning him he wasn't gonna like what he heard.

"No, no he dosent Fuyu you'll scar him for life." I said knowing exactly what the contents of that bottle were.

"Iris, come on I wanna know."

"It's blood, Nephi blood." Said Fuyu plainly. As Rouge's eyes grew and he turned his head to the side and spit.

"What part of no you didn't understand I will never know." I said rolling my eyes and patting him on the back as he looked up disgusted.

"Oh by the way Iris I have some important information you might want to hear. Your parents aren't dead, Jurack knows where they are that's why he wanted you alive so badly, he wants to use you to lure your parents to him. He's trying to kill them or I don't know but it's not friendly." Said Fuyu as Rogue looked at me and I began to cry.

"T-they're, they're alive?" I said leaning into Rogue as he wrapped his arm around me as tears began to fall.

"It's okay, calm down, we can't have you falling apart in front of the council. You can cry it's ok." He said as he pulled me closer into his strong embrace as he gently kissed my forehead stroking the back of my hair in attempts to calm me down.

"I thought he had told you, I-I'm sorry I thought you knew." Said Fuyu standing up sorry to have made me cry.

"It's alright Fuyu, I-I had just always been told they were gone, that I didn't have parents." I said letting more tears fall down my face as Rouge held me.

"I promise, we will find them but, we're almost at the council building and I need your help to explain about the ranch." Said Rogue as the train reached the station and the trains screeched to a stop.

"Ok I-I'll try to calm down before we get there but, d-do you really think we can find them?" I asked as we stepped of the train. He pulled me over to the side and gently wiped away my tears as I stood there sniffling.

"We will I promise no matter how long it takes I'll help you find your parents." He said once again wrapping his arms around me as he pulled me close and we, side by side, headed for the council building.

"Do you think they'll believe us?" I asked taking his hand in mine as we neared the entrance of the council building.

"My friend works here, even if the council won't believe us I'll take and how him we'll make them believe us I promise. All the Nephi on that farm will be set free and you will be safe." He said as we stood outside the entrance. Rogue was about to open the door when Fuyu ran up to us and stopped me at the door.

"Iris wait, I took this from Jurack this is for you. It's a picture of your parents it might help to find them." Said Fuyu handing me a small scrap of paper with a man and woman on it. The woman had long dark brown hair like mine and the same two colored eyes as mine one purple one green. She was lovely and next to her stood a man smiling happily with his arms around the woman. He stood tall with long black hair pulled up in a ponytail. These people were my parents my family, I had to find them.

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