The Real Truth

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The next day we woke up to the sun shining brightly I tot he inn room.

"Good morning Iris." Said rogue stepping out of the bathroom wrapped in nothing but a towel. Blushing wildly as I remembered the night before, I replied.

"M-morning Rogue. " I said with a smile.

"Bathroom's all yours if you need to take a shower." He said sitting down on the edge of the bed with a smile.

"Yeah, thanks, I think I'll take you up on that offer." I said standing up and grabbing a towel.

"When your ready just tell me because we should probably start heading back before sting and the exceeds get worried and come after us" he said with a laugh and I opened the bathroom door.

"Yeah you're probably right I'll be quick." I said sliding the door closed and stepping into the warm shower. I finally said it back, I told Rogue I loved him too. I stood there thinking as the warm water poured down around me. After stepping out of the shower I slipped into my clothes and walked out into the room to see a note sitting on the bed.


I realize this is inconvenient but I'm going to run into town for a while stay here I will be back.

"That explains where Rogue went but why did he leave?" I asked placing the not on a desk across the room. I thought about these last few months as I walked over to a small bookshelf and began browsing.

"It amazing how much I've done in so little time. I escaped from the Nephi ranch and made friends with so many wonderful people. I met Rogue, who saved my life multiple times, and who is the only human I've ever had feelings for. And I've helped to get Jurack arrested and his ranch shut down. But the real question is, what do I do know?" I said skimming over the books combing across a familiar name.

"Why do they have a book like this here?" I asked picking up the book with a label on the side marked, 'Tartarus'. I slowly opened the book only have to book fall out of my hands as the room around be shook. I closed my eyes and covered my ears as fell to my knees when a high pitched siren sound began to sound out of the book. I opened my eyes once again to see a man standing there wide eyed. Looking up at him he showed a small smile as he extended his hand. I took the hand and standing on my feet stunned looking into his eyes as I realized something. I reached into my pocket and took out the folded picture Fuyu and given me of my parents. Slowly unfolding it I held up the photo next to the man standing before me. I began looking back and forth between him and the picture as tears began to slowly fall.

"Iris." The man muttered softly as he gently wrapped his arms around me as I stood there crying.

"S-so you, you're, y-you.." I tried to speak but all that came out was hopeless ramblings.

"Y-you don't need to speak, just please give me the luxury of having you listen to what I have to say." He said placing his hands on my shoulders and guiding me to the bed. He sat down next to me but facing me. He began to explain as I sat there wide eyed tears still streaming down my face.

"I am so sorry, we should never have left you at that orphanage all those years ago. I do wonder though, when did you leave the orphanage?" He said not knowing.

"I was thrown out of the orphanage when I was three. The lady that ran the place turned me in to a Nephi farm when she found out who I was." I said looking to the side debating wether I should've told him or not. Would he blame himself?

"If your mother could see you now. We left you there because we couldn't bring you where Zeref had summoned us. Zeref is the one that created me, you see I am not human nor Nephi like your mother. I am one of the 9 demons from the book of Zeref. He let us, who could, live normal lives and I fell in love with your mother. I used to hate anyone who wasn't a demon but I learned to love her. We both fell in love and had you but shortly after having you for only a few weeks, Zeref gave me a mission. I was to create a dark guild and gather members so I could destroy magic and kill him. I brought your mother and we were successful at making a very well known guild, Tartarus. We fought long and hard to get members and find a device called face to take away magic giving us demons, with curse power, the ability to kill Zeref. Your mother passed away during a battle with a normal guild and I swore would get revenge. I began to let my memories cloud with vengeance a began to hate all humans. To me I was better than any and all humans. Just recently I was in a large battle killing most if not all of my guild with two human guilds, Fairy Tail and Sabertooth. We were almost successful but then dragons showed up and we lost. Zeref sent me back to book form and made it seem like he burned me but he actually banished me to this book shelf where he thought no one would find me. The only way to break the seal on that book if for someone of my bloodline to open it. He didn't know about you so he thought I would just be there forever, but here you are." After the long explanation my tears had ceased and I sat there shocked. They left me unwillingly to protect me. And in that my mother was kill and my fathers creator banished him.

"Iris, w-what happened while I was gone?" Asked Rogue opening the door and noticing one of his rivals Mard Gear Tartarus sitting in his inn room.

"Nothing, nothing at all Rogue. What does it look like happened. I opened a book and it turned into my father." I said sarcastically just to tease him.

"Well like I knew that." He said sitting at the desk and turning to face Mard and I.

"Tension mode activated." I said looking down and the dark aura in the room grew.

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