Happy Endings Are Real

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"So you rescued Iris from the Nephi farm?" Said Mard as he and Rogue practically had a starring contest.

"Yeah she passed out on the doorstep at Sabertooth so I took responsibility and took her in." Said Rogue looking to me with a slight smile.

"Well your job is done now I'll be taking my daughter and getting out of your hair." As he said this not Rogue and I stood up in shock.

"Wait you thought I was going with you?" I yelled as Mard looked away from Rogue and to me. He stepped forward with a wicked smile.

"I wasn't really giving you a choice I'm your father you don't get to choose." He said attempting to grab my hand.

"She'll get a choice if I have anything to say about it." Said Rogue stepping in front of me grabbing Mard's wrist and throwing it down.

"You don't get a say in this you are simply a petty human that..."

That saved your daughter and became the first human she even slightly began to trust since someone decided to abandon her." Yelled Rogue hiding me behind his back. I stood there wide eyed watching me protect me from his m knowing that he could be killed within moments at the hand of his power.

"Rogue stop i..."

"No Iris I will not stop its your decision and if you choose not to come with either of us than so be it, you control your life now, you make your own choices." He said turning to me and placing his hands on my shoulders looking me in the eye as his eyes started to waver and he looked as if he would cry. In this moment I thought back to what he had said to me mere days ago.

"I don't want to loose you Iris I don't know what I'd do without you." As this played back in my head I wrapped my arms around him.

"I won't leave you I promise." I said in a quiet voice.

"W-what?" He murmured as I stepped back and looked Mard in the eye.

"I refuse to go with anyone who talks so lowly of my friends let alone call them a father. I will never go with you and you are not my father." I said grabbing my small bag along with Rogues taking Rogue by the hand and storming out of the inn.

"Iris, Iris stop. Iris stop now." Said Rouge when we were almost at the train station grabbing my hand and pulling me back.

"What?" I yelled turning around with tears in my eyes.

"Oh Iris come here." He said wrapping his arms around me.

"I-I'm sorry I just..."

"Stop that, it's not your fault I'm glad you chose me though. But Iris the next train doesn't come for another two hours." He said still holding me close.

"W-we could look around town, I heard they have a good library."
I said enthusiastically. I grabbed his hand as we began walking side by side as many thoughts ran through my head.

"Iris look they have a pocky stand." Said rogue pointing to a small stand filled with multi colored boxes.

"W-what are pockies?" I asked looking to the stand. Being restrained on a farm for most of your life dosent have many luxuries like cookies and candy.

"You've never had pockies have you? Here lets get a box. Pick a flavor."

"Strawberry." I said eyes growing with anticipation."

"Here try one." He said opening the box and handing me one which I willingly bit down on as my eyes grew and I took the box.

"These are yummy." I said with a big goofy smile. After a while of looking around the small town two hours passed in a flash along with three more boxes of strawberry pockies. I got a new best for Lector and a cute panda onesie for Frosch.

"We should start heading to the train." Said rogue looking up to see the station flooded with people.

"Do you think the exceeds will like their gifts? And what about Sting and Menerva, do you think they'll like the cupcakes?" I said skipping alongside Rogue.

"The exceeds will love it and you know Menerva better than all of us besides Stings happy with any sort of food." He said with a smile as we took our seats on the train side by side.

"Rogue hey what're you doing here!" Tell a peppy pink haired boy with a big sloppy grin.

"Oh hey Natsu just on a little trip."

"Who is this, you smell funny are you a dragon slayer too?" He said sniffing the top of my head with interest.

"Nope but I see you are now if you don't back the fuck off I'm going to throw you off the side of the train tracks you pink fluffy maniac." I said grabbing a tuft of his hair and pulling him to the ground. Causing Rogue to laugh in amusement.

"You're strong." He said rubbing the spot where I grabbed.

"You don't know the half of it." Rogue said sarcastically patting me on the head.

"So what is your name? I'm Natsu." He said extending a hand.

"My name is Iris and I'm not a dragon slayer I'm a Neph, oh, well I guess it doesn't really matter who I tell now does it. I'm a Nephi." I said with a certain confidence is never had before meeting Rogue.

"Natsu where did you go?" I heard a high pitched soft voice ask.

"Oh Happy I'm over here." Yelled Natsu turning to see a flying blue cat land on his head.

"Oh you have an exceed too?" I said standing up and taking out a small can I had in my bag. I had gotten a ton of sardines for Lector and Frosch. I opened the can and handed it to the car who very willingly took it.

"We're here, hey Natsu if you run into Erza tell her Menerva said hey." Said Rogue as we stood up at our stop.

"By Natsu it was nice to meet you. " I said smiling and standing up as we got off the train.

"Iris, Rogue, my god you said you'd only be there for the day. When you didn't come back this morning we got worried the exceeds and I we about to come find you." He said as Frosch and Lector walked out from behind him. Later at the guild I handed out the gifts I had gotten when Rogue came up behind me and said something.

"Hey Iris, I've been thinking, as long as you've been here you still aren't an official member of the guild."

"I guess I never have gotten the emblem." I said in realization.

"Do you want to get one?" He said with his arms around my waist rocking me back and forth. I hesitated for a moment as I looked around at all the smiling, laughing, faces, at Sting, Lector, Menerva, Frosch, Everyone. Then I turned back to Rogue.

"This place has become my family." I said a little too loudly as everyone stopped talking and turned to look at me. "This is my home, I'd love to be and official member, every single person here as become special to me in some way, especially you." I said looking down as Rogue blushed.

"Wait, Iris is gonna become a member?!?" Yelled Sting looking at us with shock.

"Yes, yes I am." I said as Sting got the stamp.

"May I do the honers?" Asked Rogue take long the stamp from Sting.

"Of course." I said as I turned and Rogue pressed the stamp up against my arm leaving a mixed green and purple Sabertooth guild mark on my arm. I looked up at him with a smile as Rogue gave sting the stamp and leaned in pressing his lips against mine and kissed me right there in front of everyone.

"R-Rogue?" I said surprised.

"There was a reason I went into town this morning." Said Rogue kneeling down on one knee and pulling out a small felt box.

"R-Rogue w-what're you...?" I stopped as he looked up and asked.

"Iris, will you marry me?" He said with a big smile.

"R-R, you, I, me you, YES." I said trowing my arms around him as he wrapped me in and embrace and kissed me again.

"I love you Iris." He said

"I love you too Rogue." I said as the room filled with cheers.

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