The Truth is Hard

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About a week later I had come to enjoy my time at the guild and was able to control some of my magic and convince them I was a Mage as well I'm going to be joining Sabertooth today but first Sting and Yukino wanted to throw a huge celebration in honor of me finally joining. They've been nagging me from the start to join but I never thought I could. I knew I was powerful with my magic I even managed to beat Rufus in a battle to determine my strength. But I   didn't trust people so I  tried to distance myself as much as possible which was hard because I wanted to trust them, I wanted to tell them everything. I even enjoyed having Menerva around we gave each other makeovers and she admitted she liked Orga. She asked who you like and I  honestly said no one yet, but at this rate I knew I would. I could t help it being this close to people it's hard to not pick out one guy to crush on.

"Are you sure you don't like anyone? You and Rogue are pretty close." Menerva said with a wink.

"R-Rogue?!? N-no way I mean he's nice but there's no way that would happen." I said as a bright blush spread across my cheeks thinking about the possibility of any romantic connection between Rogue and I.

"I don't know it could happen he protects you as if you were dating and your always talking, besides I've never seen Frosch take to anyone as he has to you. And with Rogue that's a big deal if Frosch like someone Rogue likes them too." She said patting my shoulder and standing up heading to her own room for bed. That was the one thing I still hadn't gotten used to, sleeping. I was constantly waking up with nightmares and couldn't get back to sleep one I did. Once I even woke Orga and Rufus in the rooms next to me.

"Night." I called after her when I suddenly saw a shadow out of the corner of my eye and the room went black and the lights went out.

"You shouldn't be up this late." Said I very recognizable voice from behind me making me jump.

"R-Rogue! w-what are you doing here?" I said backing away flustered as he came out of shadow form.

"You can't sleep well as it is so you should t be up this late. It's not good for you if you don't get your sleep this will turn out like yesterday again. You fought so hard on the mission yesterday you collapsed from exhaustion before we even made it to the train." He said voice full of worry.

"I-I'm fine really I'm just not used to sleeping in a new place yet." You lied trying to calm his worry.

"That's a lie, getting to sleep is the easy part. It's staying asleep that you can't do. You have nightmares and everyone knows it , they're constant even when I'm in the room. You sleep walk, talk, and scream in your sleep. We're worried about you, I'm worried about you Iris." He said helping me up and sitting down next to me on the edge of the bed.

"Why is it you seem to know so much about me?" I said looking at him with curiosity when he reached over and pushed my bangs out of my right eye with his thumb and rested his hand on my cheek.

"When I first got here I was exactly the same way, I didn't want to open up very much so I was shy and quiet. I had horrible nightmares wake me up I would scream and wake up in a cold sweat. I found Frosch and he helped a lot but I've tried everything I tried that even remotely helped and it's just not working. What on earth did you have to go through that is making you have these terrible dreams?" He said looking into my eyes and at that moment I wanted to tell him everything. I wanted to tell him that it's because I'm a Nephi I was on a farm where I was tortured for 13 years and I finally escaped but they're still after me because it's so rare to find Nephi and if they find me they'll take me back to that evil place and keep me in chains for the rest of my life for my blood. I wanted to spill every little detail but I knew I couldn't he would turn me over for the money in a heartbeat like all of them did.

"It's fine really I promise they aren't that bad I'm just a..."

"Stop lying Iris! I want the truth, am I not your friend do you just refuse to tell me? I know everything thing about you expect that I still don't know, who you are. Please Iris tell me." He said spooking me and moving into the most gentle voice I've ever heard.

"I-I...can't, I'm sorry Rogue." I said looking down and backing out of his grasp.

"Why? What is it you're so worried about telling me? If it's something you don't want the others knowing I won't tell a soul I want to help but I need to know what I need to help with?" He said going into shadow form and placing both his hands on my shoulders .

"Y-you don't understand I-I want to tell you, I wish I could tell you everything but you don't understand I just can't." I said with every word getting closer and closer to tears.

"Why Iris why can't you tell me, who's stopping you other than yourself?"

"What am I supposed to do just come right out and say that I'm a Nephi with a ten million jewel bounty on my head?" As it slowly registered  to me what I had said it was too late I gasped  and brought my hand up to my mouth and a backed out of his grasp and ran from the room crying.

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