Step 2: If it Makes Him Happy, Just Go With it

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Percy's costume in media :3 ^

Step 2: If it makes him happy, just go with it

Small Bob was pretty sure he had this human holidays sorted, there was the 'Crispy' one where it snowed and they sang a lot, there was a big green tree that he wasn't allowed to climb but sometimes sits on top with a little star collar because it makes Percy laugh. There was also the 'Easier' one, where they talked about rabbits and eggs all the time (humans sometimes get confused by what lays eggs and what doesn't), and Percy sometimes puts a little band that gives him giant rabbit ears (Small Bob got very ratty when Percy tries that, it was insulting!).

And then there was the Hello-weeny.

It was Small Bob's first Hello-weeny and he was yet to understand the purpose. The humans would try and scare each other, the small ones would go hunting for sweet things dressed like strange creatures that Small Bob didn't understand. His Percy had dressed up in lots of black, a big black cloak that cut off above him waist, lots of buckles when it stretched across his chest. He also had tight black touch cloth on his legs and big black boots. On his head was a very long a pointy hat, and he was carrying around a big he called a broomstick.

Small Bob flicks his tail as Percy moves around the room, fiddling with his hair, it was purple now and still in that weird long line down the middle of his head. A mo-mo. He had a small light box to his cheek that he often used to speak to the blonde and brown haired girls.

"I don't know if he'll like it, I mean, he hated the bunny ears at Easter." Percy says, he glances to Small Bob who purrs in his throat and smiles at his human, but of course humans can't read cat expression very well- hence the purr too.

"Yeah I guess, I'll try okay." He pauses, nodding and then grins, "Okay, see you in ten." He throws the light box on the bed then grabs a bag off his big desk. He sits on the bed beside Small Bob and picks him up. Small Bob was quite big now, just over a year old now and pretty much full grown.

"Alright Bob, please don't hurt me." He taps Small Bob's nose, Small Bob frowns and rubs against his human but Percy wraps something around his collar, it was long and black cloth with little buckle like Percy's across the top. Then he places a big pointy hat, a mini version on his around Small Bob's head.

What is this? Small Bob meows loudly and twitches his ears, trying to shake the hat off. He did not like this, his ears!

"Hang on!" Percy cries and adjusts the hat, two little holes slip over Small Bob's ears, and he pauses and twitches them, feeling the cool air wash over them. He pauses and considers how this feels, now that his ears were okay, it wasn't actually that bad. He sits down and starts licking his paw.

"Oh thank god." He picks up Small Bob and places him on his arm, Small Bob climbs up and sits on his shoulder, tail curling around Percy's neck. He shuffles, this was quite comfortable now that he thought about it. Percy clips a little leash to Small Bob, he nods happily, that meant his human wouldn't run away from him and get lost.

Percy leaves his room, entering the living room where the sugar and salt women are with the pink potato baby called 'Tyson'. The sugar woman beams and grins at Percy and Small Bob.

"You look amazing! You sure Small Bob is going to behave?" She asks, Small Bob meows loudly.

'I'll look after Percy, don't worry.' He tell her, the sugar women laughs and gives him a scratch. As she's doing so a loud noise comes from outside. Percy kisses her and yells goodbye and he runs outside. There's a moving colour-thing called a car there with the blonde girl, the brown haired and the blonde boy. Percy climbs in the back part with the blonde boy and gives him a kiss, Small Bob meows loudly and jumps onto Percy's lap.

"Hey Small Bob." The blonde girl says blowing him a kiss before she turns back to the big circle thing used to direct the car.

Small Bob curls up, twitching his ears, realising the hat actually was quite annoying but Percy was very happy so he'll allow it.

I'm sorry I had to, imagine Small Bob and Percy dressed up in matching witch costumes, I can't even xD so cuuute!
So I hope you enjoyed, Percy's costume in the media and if it was unclear, they're going to a Halloween party :)

Please leave your thoughts!

Love Percy xx

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