Kamp Raun

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Summary: Events following 2x12

"The Commander didn't know all her secrets and all her past, but it wasn't hard to see the leader of the Sky People had been through a lot, and didn't seem to have many opportunities to make the tautness in her core smaller. She herself wasn't a stranger to seeking companionship if only for a night after a difficult battle – all she had to do was remind herself to keep the blonde at an arm's length and never, ever closer."

Notes: Title means "stay near" in Trigedasleng


The Commander of the Woods Clan was no stranger to the feeling that filled her body as she watched the leader of the Sky People running towards danger – her stomach dropping a few inches as cold dread pooled in her abdomen and throat. The last time she had let her guard down enough not to see this feeling coming had come with terrifying consequences – days long torture sessions and slow painful deaths, severed heads and blood pooling at her feet, tainting her hands, clothes and soul.

But, she reminded herself, Clarke was not Costia. Clarke was not, would never be hers. She was an ally in their war against the Mountain Men; she was the means to an end. She did not have the time or energy to let herself get emotionally involved to someone who could die; who would probably die, considering how often she made reckless and impulsive decisions. Her needs were taken care of when the ache got too much to handle, she had no excuse to be thinking about Clarke more than it was wise. She had to think about her people and how she had sworn never to put her urges before her people's.

Keeping that in mind, Lexa tore her gaze from the figure who gestured wildly, trying to convince someone else to come with her. She couldn't think about what stupidity Clarke was doing right now, she had to stay alive – and that meant going to the shelter in the woods, waiting for the missile to hit her people and preparing herself to fight back.

Lexa knew these woods since she was a toddler, had studied its geography thoroughly before she was Anya's second and learned its secrets in depth ever since she did. Running was her second nature – her feet landed in all the right places barely making any noise, the path seeming like an old friend. The wind hit her face hard, the unforgiving nocturnal cold hurting her skin, but she didn't stop until the found the shelter. Hidden among bushes and trees, it was barely visible to the unknowing eye.

Disturbing the nature as little as possible, she cleared the way and crouched, all but crawling into a rather spacious cave. It felt like home. Since Anya had showed her the place, she had been there more times than she could count – whether finding shelter from the acid fog, from the reapers or taking some time to organize her thoughts, she liked coming in there.

A few animal skins were scattered around the room and she soon spotted her favorite, one that belonged to a furry animal a long time ago. Before settling there and waiting until it was safe to come back, she glanced at the unlit candles that surrounded the cave walls. The moon was full, providing more than enough light for her to not feel completely blind, so the Commander decided to light only the candle clock, carving a line in the wax that showed the two hour mark – it should be more than enough time for her to plan an attack.

Setting the candle in the ground near her and taking her sword out of her belt, Lexa made herself comfortable in her favorite hide. She drew her legs to her chest, trying to figure out what she would do when she came back to camp – first, she had to make sure her people knew the dead would be avenged, and then she'd have to find out more about what was going on in Mount Weather. She would need to talk to Bellamy and get the intel directly after checking if Clarke was okay with it.

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