What just happend?

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*Dippers Pov*

I was walking in the woods again.... Grunkle Stan got me pissed again, He thinks he can just baby me my whole life well not this time, I left during my shift on the busiest days at the mystery shack. I brought my journal that I found in the woods. The odd thing was that I felt a spirit behind me..... Well that is normal paranoia from walking in the woods alone.... I could have asked Mable or Wendy or even soos but I deiced to go alone..... I felt so stupid... I found my favorite spot to sit and read this journal, I really don't know wrote this journal but it had some creatures I seen in these woods... like the gnomes... ha... I remember when Mable found out that Norman (her bf) where gnomes... Ha... memories... But there was one creature that stood out.... The author really put detail in to him into him... Everything but his weakness... His name... God I really don't want to say it... fine his name is Bill, Bill Cipher, Oh yes that triangular demon who reads minds and goes into there minds... I chuckled at remembering when me and Mable both defeated him twice. My smile grew bigger thinking of the battle in Stan's mind... it was odd, like really odd... I seen a shadow of... Bills hat... I turned around and fell backwards... "ow, (I looked puzzled) B-Bill?" "long time no see pine tree" he said as a grin grew across his face. I was puzzled, last time I remembered seeing Bill he was that triangular demon but now... he's human... like what is going on in the universe. Maybe Bill was right reality is just an illusion and maybe he was human all along. "Pine tree, you okay?" he asked worried that he startled me. "uhhhhh......maybe...." I said confused "well did you miss me pine tree?" He helped me up and sat next to me. After a while I went back to normal. "Bill what the hell do you think about scaring me like that....." "you didn't answer my question but what ever." "I missed beating you in battles that is all I missed" I said blushing. Okay so maybe I do have a tiny crush on Bill now, but what would Mable say. That I should like girls or to tell me I shouldn't like a demon. Well what ever, I could like Bill because of his hatred towards Stan as much as I did and he knows a lot..... like the whole universe..... I guess that's what I like about him is his interested in learning. He seen me blushing a bit. He smiled and made me look at him. "Man pine tree your beginning to look like someone slapped you" he said with a chuckle. I looked at him and smiled. "You look like a living puppet but i'm not judging. " he smiled when I said that. "YOU DID MISS ME" he said hugging me tight. I laughed and started to playfully slap his arm. "I cant breath". He seen me turning a little purple and let me go. "Sorry pine tree" "its fine" I said laughing a blushing more. Bill looked at his watch and seen it was 5:30. "well pine tree I best be on my way (he kissed my check) remember reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram buy gold, bye" he said leaving. I was shocked and happy. I got up and started to walk to the mystery shack. I snuck into the mystery shack and snuck into mine and Mable's bedroom (since were twins) "was today an illusion?" I asked my self pinching my arm. "nope, did Bill know I like him. Oh right he reads minds." I whispered falling onto my bed. I deiced to go to bed then and there. I could piece everything tomorrow.

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