filler: Chapter 22 - Mending

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Chapter 22 - Filler: Mending

((Edited on July 31st, 2015))

note: did i get your hopes up last time? well be prepared for them to be dashed bc there's no sex. not for a while. sorry, i'm a big liar 8) STILL RATED T

also the quality is probably shoddy so im apologizing in advance if ur eyes melt

(small edits made on August 21, 2015)



Murdoc has a fear of eyes.

They analyze, they judge. They scrutinize and they break you down in the time that it takes to blink. A loving stare can morph into that of a heated glare and the intensity of either can cripple even the strongest of men.

For Murdoc, if hands weren't grabbing him and slamming him into the ground as a child, there were eyes. They planned, they watched, and they learned. Sizing him up, following his every move...

They hurt him.

And so although the eyes currently staring holes into the back of his head belong to someone he knows and lives with, he can't help but feel nervous.

Stationed just behind him in the recording studio sits Russell, ever the thoughtful and peaceful giant. It remains silent for several minutes, all consuming and Murdoc has to remind himself that he isn't on trial.

So why is he so scared?

"..Somethin' happened between you and 'D."

Murdoc's shoulders stiffen and he frowns, glancing over his shoulder in the direction of the other man. He contemplates his response, tapping his fingers against his armrests sharply before sighing in affirmation.

There's no point in lying.


Russell nods once, his gentle eyes filled with unspoken words of understanding and amusement. If Murdoc even cared to look closely enough he would see Del shaking his head, laughing at him.

"I always thought y'liked him more than y'let on." the drummer grins, snorting. The bassist sneers in return, clutching his armrests irritably. "M'glad it worked out for you this time."

Murdoc hums quietly in response, tapping his heels against the floor rhythmically. His eyes remain glued to Russell's face even when the other man returns to his work.



The voices in his head have begun to calm down, but the constant chill in his spine has decided to make its presence known. Biting at his skin to the point of being raw, scraping against the chafed surface until the goosebumps growing on his arms turn painful...

The cold hurts.

He never stopped wearing 2D's jacket during his warm period. He was able to get away with wearing simple t-shirts underneath it rather than bulking himself up with heavy layers.

But now?

He's back to that, again. Back to long sleeves under long sleeves and shitty turtleneck sweaters. And his none-too-subtle wardrobe change hasn't gone unnoticed by the others.

Currently sitting on his bed with his legs crossed and his body slouched over a small stack of books, a faint rapping against his door breaks Murdoc from his thoughts. Silence falls over his room momentarily before another round knocking meets his ears and his heart nearly jumps into his throat.

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