Chapter 8

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Today is the Winter Solstice, aka the darkest day of the year on the Northern Hemisphere (which is pretty dark on the latitudes I live in). Coincidentally, the Winter Solstice is coming up in the Avatar World as well, so watch out for spirits.


8. Unspoken

Seven years ago

"Oh Zuzu, you're just no fun at all", Azula mocked and twisted her expression into a sneer that did not belong on a seven-year-old's face. Ty Lee giggled and Mai looked solemn.

The summer sun was shining brightly down on the four figures standing in one of the royal gardens. All children were wearing their short sleeved holiday looks to better stand the heat of the day.

Zuko tried to look indifferent. He would not let Azula win this time.

"I'm not gonna let you do that, Azula. So let the baby rabbiroo go", Zuko tried to sound stern and decisive the way their father did when he really meant it. Somehow, his impersonation was lacking.

Azula narrowed her eyes and smiled, seeing straight through Zuko's weak attempt at intimidation.

She shifted the little animal baby she was holding from one arm to the other, as if demonstrating how she was weighing her options. Azula held one of her fingers on her jaw to further indicate how puzzled she was.

"Nooo, I don't think I will", she eventually decided.

"I won't let you hurt it!" Zuko shouted. He was almost sure that Azula had been kidding and was just teasing him, but with Azula, you never knew, and Zuko really didn't want to see the animal get hurt.

"Well, who is going to stop me? You?" Azula asked with such a skeptic tone that it made Ty Lee giggle some more.

Zuko glared at Ty Lee for a moment. He hated being laughed at.

Ty Lee continued to giggle, but suddenly Zuko realized that there was a nervous edge to her laughter. She was wrinkling up the hem of her dress with her fingers.

She is nervous, Zuko realized. She doesn't want anything bad to happen to that rabbiroo, either.

"I'll tell Mother", Zuko threatened.

"Really? You're going to run to Mommy and tell on me?" Azula was still not taking Zuko seriously, and it made him angry.

For a moment, the siblings just stared at one another, neither willing to stand down.

The tension was interrupted by Mai: "Boring."

She yawned a little to emphasize her words, and continued with a completely nonchalant voice: "Can't we go do something interesting, like, say, pick on the new house maid?"

Azula seemed to consider that. The chubby little rabbiroo on her lap looked calm, clearly oblivious to the impending doom that loomed over its head.

Before Azula had time to make up her mind, a familiar voice called for them. "Zuko, Azula. What is going on here?"

Their mother had entered the garden and was walking towards them. She looked as beautiful as always, but also worried. Her eyes were locked on Zuko's clenched fists.

"Nothing. We're just playing a game and Zuzu is being a sore loser", Azula said innocently.

"I am not a sore loser!" Zuko exclaimed.

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