Chapter 20

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Breaking Free

Zuko knew people were supposed to address spiritsrespectfully, but it had been a long and a frustrating day, so he didn't have patience for polite. Plus, he and Tuli were kin. Her words, not his.

As far as Zuko knew, being kin excused a lot. Never had for him, personally, but to others it seemed to do that.

Tuli didn't look offended, though. Or surprised. Instead she offered one of her whiskers to Zuko.

Impatient cub, Tuli sighed.

Where have you been? Zuko demanded to know. If you can just drop by any time you feel like then why haven't I heard from you for so long?

You've needed my assistance?

Well, there was this really annoying water spirit trying to kill me... Zuko stopped to really think about the question.

Eventually he replied: No. I didn't really need your help.

Tuli nodded so Zuko went on: So... stands to presume that I'm in deep trouble now, right? Since you decided to show up now but not before.

Tuli shook her head: I can't just show up any time I feel like. I already told you this. I need to be summoned...

...By a powerful sage, Zuko finished Tuli's sentence for her, But I didn't summon you, so who did?

It's different now. We're connected.

Tuli hadn't changed a bit. Still talking in riddles. Zuko would have to phrase his questions more carefully if he wanted straight answers.

Zuko took a deep breath and tried to remember all that Uncle had had time to teach him about spirits.

'They don't think like we do'. Obviously.

What do you mean by connected?

We're kin by spirit and blood.

The answer sent chills down Zuko's spine: By.. blood?

Tuli explained further: You and I are not of same descendent but all dragons are my kin.

More non-answers. Zuko decided to let the matter drop and focus on more crucial issues.

He wasn't sure how long Tuli would stick around this time, but he had a feeling this wasn't going to be a long visit. Also, even if the spirit did have all the time in the world, Zuko himself was sort of in the middle of something.

Now that we're on the topic: I'm a dragon now? And, for the record, I'm not complaining. Oddly enough, I'm not. Just... curious.

Tuli smiled. Which was really quite intimidating: Of course you're not complaining. You were always a dragon and you always will be. It's part of who you are. Why would you complain?

Zuko could think of several things that were part of who he was that he could easily complain about, but that was, again, off the topic. If he got distracted, the conversation would officially start going nowhere.

You mean... I was a dragon even before I turned into one. Dragon at heart. Dragon... in another life time?

The last question came out more as a statement, for the more Zuko thought about it, the more the theory made sense. Except...

But a lot of spirits must have reincarnated as dragons and then as humans at some point. Why would the connection matter now? For me?

Tuli looked serious but not in a scary, upset by your stupid questions, kind of way. More like the way Uncle looked when he was really thinking something through.

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