The Fallen

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Chara's presence had been made evident despite the fact she had died. Her determination obviously wouldn't let her memory fade without a fight. Unfortunately, that presence had attached itself to Asriel and he didn't want to put up a fight. He couldn't handle it. They had been close friends at some point. Why would he want to fight his best friend? Even though they were human and monster, they had been closer than siblings.

Her dark thoughts she'd kept locked away and buried had swirled in his mind. She influenced him to do horrible things over and over, but there was no way to explain it. Her living soul was gone, yet Asriel knew it was her. Realizing these facts didn't justify what he did. His actions were solely his fault.

She had seemed so sweet when she fell. Hurt and quiet, he had tended to her after stumbling across her sleeping body. Chara's first words he'd ever heard her speak, was "thank you." Her voice was rich and sweet, yet her tone had something lying underneath the words. Her tender voice distracted him enough that he didn't think anything of it.

Bringing Chara back to his home, his parents accepted her with open arms. Asgore was the only one wary in the least, but he changed his mind fairly quickly.

Too quickly.

Chara smiled a lot, but it was a shy, modest smile. When Flowey remembered it, he still couldn't figure out if it had been an honest expression or simply a show. Strange to think back to a time when Chara wasn't a heartless beast.

Although she was incredibly different in the beginning, she still forced herself into solitude. When Asriel would find her, she'd be muttering and chanting quietly to herself. Sometimes it sounded like she was telling herself "save them, save them, save them..." over and over again.

Asriel had known something was wrong. Chara hadn't been sleeping. She hadn't been eating. She seemed jumpy and skitterish all the time. Despite the evidence, she would continue to say that everything was "clearly" alright.
Asriel had thought to himself one day, she was like dark chocolate; special and unique, yet dark and rich in personality.

Thinking back upon his former relationship with the demon-like spirit, Flowey realized that she already had full influential control over him before she had died. He was even being influenced by her before she had fallen.

As Asriel, he had longed for a close friendship so desperately. At the time, creatures had been struggling to care for themselves, let alone a child. With the lack of young Monsters in the underground, he had yearned for that attention that only a friend could give him. Asriel had been waiting for Chara to fall. Waiting for someone to care for and to care for him. He was even willing to sacrifice a few monster lives and forgive Chara for her unending sins to remain as close as they were.
Asriel had been manipulated into oblivion, Flowey rising from the dust. To think of how naive and desperate his former self had been, Flowey felt the strongest pressure of emotion he had felt since becoming a flower.
He was utterly disgusted with himself.

Well, I see you've come back for more. :)
Sorry these two chapters have been more developmental than anything. The description used for this story will be coming into play within the next chapter. I just wanted to clarify a few things with Asriel/Flowey and Chara's former relationship. (This is for me just as much as it is for you haha).
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