
21 4 7

Flowey was feeling more undesirable emotions.

After watching the disgustingly cheerful girl walk away, clinging to his former mother, Flowey stared up at the hole she had fallen from.

Except for there was none.

The light that used to sparkle down into the underground was no longer shining. It was the only piece of the surface that touched the underground. Now the monsters were completely cut off from even seeing the world they wished to escape to.

It appeared to have been concealed with various colored vines. They were stretched across the entirety of the gap. Upon closer examination, Flowey noticed that some were a light brown.

Someone had covered it with a strung net and piles of leaves, vines, and other greenery. If a human were to come up on the mountain, they wouldn't see where the hole was and fall right in.

There was no reason for Flowey to stay where he was. He should have left long ago. Wanting solitude, he mistakenly holed up in the perfect spot where humans would fall. His intentions have since then changed, as he did not wish to be alone any further. Being alone would allow the monsters to make the mistakes he can help prevent. Being alone would allow that new human to fool everyone and do as she pleases; whatever that may be.

Although Flowey was considered an abomination to his parents, the rest of the monsters might not know. He just needed to get up the courage to leave his makeshift home and encounter the rest of civilization. In the long run, he was sure that the king and queen would appreciate his efforts. Even if he hurt them in the process, this is what he needed to do now. It really was the only thing he could do at this point after losing his soul.

Flowey would be the bad guy if that meant others would learn from it.

Directing his thoughts back to the girl, he thought it was very strange that she knew to dodge his attack. She had looked both bored and amused as she stepped aside from the bullets. It was as if she had fought him hundreds of times before and knew exactly what he'd do. A shiver crawled up his vines. Her soul's aura was also incredibly familiar: red. It wasn't bright either, but rather a dark blood lust shade.

Shaking his flower head, he tried to knock her from his thoughts. He didn't need to know who she was, only understand her intentions enough to stop her.

Of course, first things first, he needed to leave the ruins. She likely wouldn't stay long; such as every child previous hadn't. As much as Toriel begged and as much as she tried, she couldn't get anyone to stay with her. Flowey pitied her, but also agreed with the children. He had had the freedom to explore the entirety of his parents' castle growing up. He could leave and wander throughout the underground. Anyone who chooses to stay with Toriel would be trapped within the Ruins. It seemed large, but honestly wasn't. There would be little contact with living beings, nevertheless absolutely no contact with humans.

All he needed to do was step through the tall doors and weave his way through the labyrinth of the Ruins, without being seen.

Luckily, he had the capabilities to hide underneath the ground, but he had only ever tried with dirt. He wasn't aware whether he could manipulate and pass through other materials.

While thinking to himself, he hadn't realized he was moving towards the entrance. It stood before him, even taller than he had been as a standing goat.

The dark doors were closed, which gave it a more eerie, looming appearance. Leaping up from the ground, Flowey managed to hang onto the handle and slowly swing one door open with his light weight. He never understood why he didn't have roots to keep him entrapped in one place. He was free to move around, but knew if he stayed in one spot long enough, he'd grow roots.

Dropping back down, Flowey didn't bother to glance behind him. So he left, forever leaving what he came to know as a sort of home, to seek a girl with a murderous glint in her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2016 ⏰

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