The Girl

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Child after child fell down and each time, Flowey was there to greet them. Toriel caught on and began to sweep the ruins daily, searching for anyone lost and anything misplaced.

Her transformed son would hide under the surface ground until he couldn't hear her footsteps again. He didn't want to face her. Not after what she'd done to put him where he was now. Not after what he'd done to her.

Flowey had left to prevent his parents from eventually being hurt. By finding him once again, he would put them in even more agony at their loss. At the monstrosity he's become.

One afternoon, another child had fallen. This was the seventh human Flowey approached.

When he saw the girl at first, he was watching from the shadows. She looked strange. She had a big smile on her face, but it was eerie. Her eyes were open too, but were like dark pits.

Everything about her seemed so familiar to the flower. His common sense was screaming at him, but no one deserves to be spared. Not even himself.

Like usual, he began his spiel, feigning kindness and utter concern.

Part of him was worried still. The girl's "smile" remained, and she stared openly at him. Practically through him.
He continued talking, but when he attacked...

She dodged.

It was an easy attack, but she just stepped to the side to avoid it. Flowey was surprised. No one had ever been smart, or stupid enough to dodge.

"Hey buddy, you missed them. Let's try again, okay?" He kept the false attitude, sending another slow attack.

The smiling girl moved aside.

"Is this a joke? Are you braindead? RUN. INTO. THE. BULLETS!!!" Flowey was mad, but had realized his mistake once the words had come out his mouth. He quickly attempted to correct himself.

*friendliness pellets.

There was still a part of him that hoped the human would mistakenly take it, but he knew she wouldn't at this point.

He waited for her to attack and make her move. When she didn't, he hesitantly moved backward.

"You know what's going on here, don't you? You just wanted to see me suffer."

If he didn't get rid of her now, she most definitely would do something terrible. It was written on her face. Something was wrong with her, and if he didn't stop her now, he wasn't sure he could later.

"DIE." Laughing, he quickly created an unavoidable circle of bullets around the girl. It became smaller and smaller, and yet she made no attempt to defend herself.

She just smiled.

This emotionless reaction made Flowey pause for just a fraction of a second, but it was just enough time for Toriel to knock him out of the way. He wasn't expecting her to come. He'd forgotten about her daily rounds.

Fallen on his side in the shadows, he watched his mother take the mysterious human by the hand.

As they began walking away, the child turned and stared directly at Flowey, her mouth still stretched into a grin. They then disappeared into the darkness of the ruins.

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