Nice To See You

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Gosh, you sure look lovely today! Here's Kevin with another Strex© update:

The Rebels have been tracked to a small building outside of town. It was really kind of obvious, as they had large signs set up saying "Rebel Base"  and "Want to join the rebels? Come on in!".

In other news, Strex® has finally captured the Radio Station. We are now broadcasting strex® radio 24/7 and are guaranteeing happiness citywide!

Problems :
We don't know mr. H.'s password to his Wattpad account. We just kind of stole his laptop which had his account saved on chrome. If he finds a wild internet café, which are quite common in this area, he can tame and use it at his own disposal. If he changes his password, we will no longer be able to update your knowledge of Strex® updates, as it would require us to log in with the new password.

Yours for always,

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